SQL Toolbelt Essentials - versión de julio de 2018

Incluye actualizaciones de SQL Backup, SQL Compare, SQL Data Generator, SQL Multi-Script y SQL Prompt.
Julio 2, 2018
Nueva versión


SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes the following updates:

SQL Backup Pro v9.2.5

  • The configuration of reports can now be persisted.
  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with the privacy policy.

SQL Compare Pro v13.4

  • Adds an "Ignore Change Tracking" option
  • The "Ignore authorization on schema objects" option now also includes schemas themselves.

SQL Data Compare Pro v13.4

  • Compatibility with SQL Compare

SQL Data Generator v4.0.6

  • Allow the Credit Card Number generator for bigint columns.

SQK Dependency Tracker v3.0.7

  • Includes bulk uninstaller for all Toolbelt products.

SQL Multi Script v1.4.1

  • Option to let each script run in its own connection. This prevents scripts that set server-level parameters (eg SET ROWCOUNT = 1) from causing side effects in later scripts.
  • SQL Multi Script is now available as part of SQL Toolbelt Essentials.

SQL Prompt Pro v9.2

  • In addition to "as you type" code analysis, you can now also display a dockable list of all the issues in your currently selected script window.
    This is accessible via the Prompt menu: 'Show List of Code Analysis Issues'.
  • Improved performance of background code analysis.


SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes the following fixes:

SQL Backup Pro v9.2.5

  • Queries run via SQBDATA that don't return a resultset do not now error.
  • SQL Compact queries returning boolean fields now return results.
  • Fixed error on persisting activity history when locale has commas as decimal separator.
  • The installer no longer prevents installing on operating systems older than Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • VDITimeout setting on command line is respected.
  • Upgrade SQL Server Compact libraries from 3.5 to 4.
  • Prevent two simultaneous backups using the same file name.
  • Added more information to the output of RESTORE HEADERONLY.
  • UI warning messages for Azure Managed Instances (which Redgate can't support).
  • Made textbox taller to accommodate font issues on older Windows versions.
  • Documentation link fixed.
  • Reduce amount of work done on remote servers when pulling backup history.
  • Bulk uninstaller updates.
  • Release notes URL in product fixed.
  • Corrected layout issues in the server options dialog.

SQL Compare Pro v13.4

  • SQL Compare no longer creates SET statements in the context of creating a scripts folder, when filtered indexes are included.
  • Parse error on AT TIME ZONE with bracketed string literal fixed.
  • Deploying a varchar(4096) column or wider onto a varchar(MAX) no longer gives spurious warning about truncation. Deploying in the other direction gives the correct warning.
  • Contracts and services with out of database / default / built-in message types and contracts, and some full text catalogs, no longer cause an exception when they exist in the target.
  • Fixed issue parsing AT TIME ZONE where the time zone is the result of a nested SELECT statement.
  • Deploying column changes to a fulltext index in a scripts folder will no longer create duplicate ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statements.
  • Modifying a key index of a fulltext index will now drop the fulltext index before and recreate it later.
  • Changing the XML schema collection on a column will provide a more suitable warning.
  • The interactive HTML report no longer sees case differences in data types as a difference.
  • Copying text from the SQL differences pane to the clipboard now preserves line endings.

SQL Data Compare Pro v13.4

  • If "WHERE" is included in a where clause, it no longer causes a broken update script.
  • Dropping an index linked via a foreign key to a table that is not selected for deployment will now ensure the foreign key dependency is respected.

SQL Data Generator v4.0.6

  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with the privacy policy.
  • Now respects the value of the "Trust server certificate" checkbox in SSMS.
  • Various SSMS integration fixes.
  • Fix for an installer bug.
  • "Use existing data source" now passes through datetimeoffset column values.
  • Improve help text describing options of the Foreign Key generator.
  • Fixed crash if product is installed to, or started from, top level directory in file system.
  • The command line executable now displays the correct major version number in its file description.
  • Bulk uninstaller improvements.

SQL Dependency Tracker v3.0.7

  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with the privacy policy.
  • Now respects the value of the "Trust server certificate" checkbox in SSMS.
  • Various SSMS integration fixes.
  • SSMS menu item no longer fails to load in certain circumstances.
  • Fix for an installer bug.
  • Fix problem where unable to load project file, relevant to case-sensitive databases.
  • Bulk uninstaller improvements.
  • Intermittent connection issue with licensing function fixed.

SQL Doc v4.0.11

  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with the privacy policy.
  • Now respects the value of the "Trust server certificate" checkbox in SSMS.
  • Various SSMS integration fixes.
  • Bulk uninstall improvements.
  • Intermittent licensing connection problems fixed.

SQL Multi Script v1.4.1

  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with the privacy policy.

SQL Prompt Pro v9.2

  • Collapsed alignment layout options could cause formatting to fail when dealing with optional parentheses.
SQL Toolbelt Essentials

SQL Toolbelt Essentials

Herramientas galardonadas para comparación de base de datos, productividad, control de código fuente y solución de problemas.

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