Aspose.Tasks for Java V18.7

Añade compatibilidad con guardar fuentes, imágenes y estilos CSS por separado al guardar como HTML.
Agosto 1, 2018
Nueva versión


  • Added support for saving fonts, images and CSS styles separately when saving as HTML.
  • Added support for OnlyTbleValuesAllowed in Extended Attributes.


  • Differences in XML output after resave.
  • Incorrect timephased data for tasks with splits.
  • Incorrect finish dates for tasks with splits.
  • Timephased data displayed incorrectly after a resave.
  • Fixed duplicated "OutlineCode" elements in project's xml.
  • Incorrect duration in XML with custom timephased data.
  • Duration changed due to update the percentage complete.
  • LinkType changes after saving data to MPX.
Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java

Cree y administre archivos de Microsoft Project.

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