SQL Monitor v8.0.24

Las métricas personalizadas ahora se pueden ejecutar en bases de datos SQL de Azure.
Diciembre 14, 2018
Nueva versión


  • Show query plan from Blocking processes tree. The query plan can now be viewed from within the Server Overview Blocking Processes tree.
  • Custom metrics can now be run against Azure SQL databases.


  • #126069 Fixed an issue where the alert details page would not respect the time format setting.
  • #126314 The global dashboard would fail to display if you had Azure SQL databases with the same name on two servers.
  • #127079 Fixed Custom Metric links from dashboard not working. Custom Metric alerts now appear separately from each other as different alert types.
  • #126954 Fixed handling of special characters in group names in alert inbox server tree.
  • SRP-11733 Fixed uncaught type error on alert details page.
SQL Monitor

Redgate Monitor

Monitorización del rendimiento de PostgreSQL y SQL Server en tiempo real con alertas y diagnósticos.

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