FastReport Mono 2019.1

Añade compatibilidad con RichText, además de la capacidad de incrustar gráficos vectoriales en informes.
Diciembre 19, 2018
Nueva versión


  • Added the Rich Text (RichText) report object, which allows embedding any RTF documents created in external editors in the report.
  • Improved PDF export: in addition to the existing font embedding capability, the ability to export text in the form of curves has been added, as well as support for extended PDF formats.
  • Improved export to Word 2007 format: in layered mode and when exporting by paragraphs, the embedded RTF document is translated into text (DOCX format) instead of a picture.
  • Added new SvgObject object, which allows embedding vector graphics in reports.
  • Improved compatibility with FastReport .NET report generator.


  • Fixed - PDF export errors.
FastReport Mono

FastReport Mono

Solución de informes completa para Mono Framework.

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