ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3

Detecte automáticamente la configuración del formateador y los estilos de nomenclatura de C#.
Diciembre 19, 2018
Nueva versión



  • Inline parameter name hints for C# and VB.NET - This release adds parameter name hints to the code editor to make C# and VB.NET code more readable. When a literal is used in a method call ReSharper annotates it with the name of the parameter, making it much easier to understand what value it represents.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 support - ReSharper now has early support for Visual Studio 2019 and can be integrated into Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 build.
  • Auto-detection of formatter settings and naming style - ReSharper now detects code formatting style from your code and adjusts the formatter settings accordingly.
  • Improved C# 7 deconstruction support - In this release, Go To Declaration/Implementation supports deconstruction declarations, new/updated inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions.
  • Сode inspections for NUnit - This update introduces a set of code inspections with corresponding quick-fixes and context actions to help you write NUnit tests faster.
  • VB.NET 15.3 and 15.5 language support - In addition to C#, ReSharper continues improving its VB.NET support and now supports all the features from the latest VB.NET language versions, such as:
    • Named tuple inference.
    • Leading hex/binary/octal separator.
    • Non-trailing named arguments.
    • Private Protected member access modifier.
  • Code Analysis - Several new inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions were added to C# and VB.NET code analysis for different cases, including:
    • The Set C#/VB.NET language version quick-fix gets an option to set the language version for all C#/VB.NET projects in a solution. It works for both .NET Framework and .NET Core projects.
    • A new quick-fix, Allow unsafe code in this project, is available.
    • Initialize members to create and fill the object initializer.
  • TypeScript 3.0 support - ReSharper now supports TypeScript 3.0 and works with such new language features as:
    • Unknown top type.
    • Optional elements in tuple types.
    • Rest elements in tuple types.
    • Rest parameters with tuple types.
    • Spread expressions with tuple types.
    • Generic rest parameters.
  • Initial localization support in ASP.NET Core - ReSharper supports the new localization procedure introduced in the latest ASP.NET Core to help you localize your web applications in a modern way. You can make use of ReSharper’s assistance in Controller, View, and resource files. It includes:
    • Go to declaration on the resource usage.
    • Find Usages on the resource node in a resx file.
    • An inspection on a resource usage if the resource declaration is missing in resx files for different cultures, with a corresponding quick-fix.
    • Most refactorings related to resources: Move, Rename, Inline, and Safe Delete.
    • Several context actions inside a resx file to modify the resource entity.
  • More ReSharper updates
    • Now you can use the Go To Action popup to find Options pages.
    • The Introduce parameter refactoring is now available for local functions.
    • To make ReSharper more FIPS-compliant, we stopped using the md5 hash algorithm and eliminated all its previous uses in the codebase.
    • You can select which font style ReSharper Editor Adornments should inherit: Visual Studio IntelliSense or Text Editor.
    • Show Inspection Help is now available for inspections in the Inspection Results and Error in Solution windows if the inspection has a corresponding help article.
    • What used to be a single "Method, Property, Event" naming style is now three separate ones: "Method", "Property", and "Event".
    • The Code formatter in C#, JS, HTML, and XML files now takes into account the indent from the previous nodes.
    • A new separate code formatter option was added, for the continuous indent inside initializers braces.
  • Performance optimizations - Performance was been optimized in several areas:
    • Loading assemblies stage was refactored to speed up solution loading.
    • Keyword completion has become faster and more precise, resulting in less auto-popup latency overall.
    • Thanks to quick sorting of items, code completion gets faster.
    • Value Tracking now gathers results asynchronously.
  • Command Line Tools - A couple of new keys were added to Command Line Tools:
    • Verbosity - only saves issues of certain severity levels to the output.
    • Jobs - runs code analysis in multi-thread mode.

ReSharper C++

  • Responsive editor - ReSharper C++ 2018.3 offers several notable performance improvements. First, Find code issues and the InspectCode command line tool are now parallelized, which makes them significantly faster. Second, Cache loading on project reopening is now parallel as well, which makes it twice as fast on average. Finally, there are general performance improvements in code completion, initial project indexing, and file analysis.
  • Unreal Engine support - Start working with your Unreal Engine 4 projects in seconds. When opening a solution, ReSharper C++ only parses non-engine projects, while the engine files are indexed in the background later. This means you can start typing or navigating through your project seconds after you open it. Unreal Engine uses specific macros (UCLASS, USTRUCT, UENUM, etc.) to emulate missing reflection features in C++. These macros are now parsed by ReSharper C++ correctly, even before you build your Unreal Engine project.
  • Better error diagnostics in templated code - When the overload resolution fails in C++, ReSharper C++ 2018.3 now provides a more specific description of the cause, identifying the exact requirements that aren’t satisfied. This is especially helpful for failed enable_if conditions, ill-formed expressions inside decltype, and absent inner types.
  • Code completion in dependent code - Completion now uses default template arguments to provide suggestions in dependent code.
  • Hints and parameter info
    • The Parameter Info popup shows even more information such as deleted functions, implicitly generated functions, and template parameter descriptions taken from documentation comments for template arguments. Parameter Info also works for dependent code and for user-defined binary operators. It’s also now colored and more readable.
    • C++ name hints in function calls and aggregate initialization can help you find your way through long (and sometimes nested) lists of parameters. You may also find useful the new name hints at the end of namespace definitions, right after the closing brace.
  • Code inspections and quick-fixes - More than 10 new inspections were added, many of them with matching quick-fixes to resolve the detected problems. For example, now there's a quick-fix you can use to add a functional-style cast and initialize all uninitialized members/bases. Meanwhile, integration with Clang-tidy was updated to Clang 7, bringing 50+ additional checks.
  • Refactorings and code tweaks - ReSharper's refactorings are now more knowledgeable about modern C++. When you use the Change Signature refactoring, you can now choose to make a function constexpr, const, or noexcept, as well as change the ref-qualifiers. ReSharper C++ 2018.3 also introduced several new context actions to help improve your code base:
    • Generate a function implementation and copy it to the clipboard instead of inserting it into the document.
    • Generate a function that converts an enum to a string (customizable via a live template).
    • Convert a regular return type in a function declaration into a trailing return type, and vice versa.
    • Insert template arguments deduced using class template argument deduction.
  • Navigation
    • Go to declaration now works on non-dependent decltype specifiers and lambdas (going to the lambda body). It even works during the initial project indexing.
    • Search Everywhere, a universal search action, has added some additional filters. For example, /gf for global C++ functions, /gv for global C++ variables, or /d for macro definitions.
    • Navigating to unmatched signatures. For example, when Go to declaration is called on a changed declaration of a member function, it goes to its definition with an old signature.
  • Code Style - Often it's much easier to customize formatting settings by simply detecting them from the existing code. Use ReSharper | Edit | Detect formatting settings menu to have ReSharper detect code formatting settings.
  • Unit testing with Catch - This release also provides support for Catch 2.5 and its new templated tests.

ReSharper Ultimate

  • Improved C++/CLI support - Support for C++/CLI is enhanced in v2018.3, offering lots of smart ways to generate missing C++/CLI code:
    • Generate actions to generate .NET Equals() and GetHashCode().
    • Generate constructor and Generate getter/setter, which generates C++/CLI properties.
    • On C++/CLI classes, you can also call Create derived class/struct/interface.
    • Code completion works after objects of generic types in C++/CLI. Smart type completion, which filters the list of types, methods, and variables to match the expected type, now work after gcnew.
    • New postfix templates, new and foreach, in C++/CLI code.
    • You can also create a field and member function from the actual usage for C++/CLI classes.
Auto-detect formatter settings and C# naming styles.

ReSharper Ultimate

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