Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF 2018.1 build 0675

Actualiza SyntaxLanguage para que sea seguro para subprocesos al registrar y anular el registro de servicios.
Marzo 14, 2019
Nueva versión


  • Updated CompletionSession so that when auto-completing without the popup showing, it raises the Opened event in addition to the Closed event that was already raised.
  • Added the IServiceLocator.SyncRoot property, and updated SyntaxLanguage to be thread-safe for registering and unregistering services.


  • Fixed a bug with code snippet template session selection adjustment in a certain scenario.

Python Language Add-on

  • Fixed an outlining bug that could occur with elif statements.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF

Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF

Una suite de análisis y control de editor de código con resaltado de sintaxis WPF.

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