DevExtreme 18.2.7

Mejora los controles Data Grid, Chart y Tree List para JavaScript.
Marzo 14, 2019
Nueva versión


HTML JavaScript

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • Column headers are not synchronized with the table layout after grouping if repaintChangesOnly is true.
  • Fixed column rows have incorrect alignment with other rows in certain cases.
  • The "Cannot read property 'groupIndex' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to ungroup data in certain cases.
  • The Detail area is rendered with blue borders under certain conditions.
  • The error message is unclear in popup edit mode when an end user tries to add a row and the grid's dataSource is not specified and no error message in other editing modes.
  • The grid's layout is broken after adding columns and group summaries dynamically.
  • The last column has incorrect width when all columns have "auto" width and columnAutoWidth enabled after upgrade from 17.2 to 18.2.
  • The onFocusedRowChanged event is not raised when the key value of the underlying row is 0.
  • Two clicks are registered to activate save/cancel buttons if a column with the calculateCellValue field is used.
  • DataGrid/TreeList loads data twice if dataSource and other options are changed.
  • Scrolling works slowly when there are fixed columns in the Firefox browser.
  • dxDataGrid does not apply grouping when options are changed at runtime.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Chart - Argument axis strips are displayed incorrectly after zooming is canceled in onZoomStart.
  • Chart - The order of discrete categories does not work for the value axis.
  • Chart - The secondary Y axis is shown incorrectly when all values are set to the zero value.
  • Chart throws JavaScript errors on hovering over legend items while data is not loaded.

DevExtreme Demos

  • Drawer - AngularJS - The "Cannot read property '1' of null" error occurs in the widget demo.
  • Scheduler - The appointmentTooltipTemplate function has three parameters in the Adaptive Appointments demo.

DevExtreme Html Editor

  • It is necessary to set the font two times to change it.

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • Grouped fields cannot be collapsed.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • It is impossible to place an appointment under another appointment in certain cases.
  • Appointment positions are not recalculated after resizing and overflowing each other in the timeline month view.
  • Browser freezes on the third series editing.
  • Recurrence Options appear when Repeat Switch is turned off.
  • Resource grouping cells are misaligned.
  • The "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs on an attempt to override the onValueChanged event of the repeatOnOff editor.
  • The adaptive "Show More" drop-down popup cannot be scrolled.
  • The control layout is incorrect in the Edge browser if the crossScrollingEnabled option is used.
  • The Delete button doesn't delete an appointment within the appointment collector.
  • The recurrence exception rule has an incorrect value if the Central Time (UTC -06.00) time zone is used.
  • The repeat switch is disabled when the edit form is opened for a recurrent appointment for the second time.
  • TimelineMonth view cells have double borders.
  • Weekly recurring appointment series starts next week.
  • Scheduler allows adding an extra appointment to a data cell with the appointment collector when the appointment is dragged from the drop-down list of the collector.

DevExtreme Tree List

  • Data is not visible if es6 classes are used.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • A button displays an ellipsis instead of an icon if the Font Awesome icon v.5 is used.
  • Autocomplete - Grouped items cannot be shown.
  • DateBox - The caret position should not change when adjusting a date with up/down arrows if useMaskBehavior is enabled.
  • DateBox doesn't display an error frame if isValid and validationError are defined on the first load.
  • DateBox unexpectedly prevents the "keydown" event when the "Esc" key was pressed.
  • dxDateBox - A time part is cut off and ellipsis is not displayed on Android in Chrome.
  • dxList - Touch events do not work in IE and Edge with the Surface Pro 4 device.
  • dxTabPanel aligns its tabs incorrectly under certain conditions when the panel resides in a detail row template of dxDataGrid.
  • Editors - Multiple validation rules don't work in certain cases.
  • iOS does not show a date picker popup for the dxDateBox field.
  • It is difficult to add a custom item to SelectBox.
  • NumberBox - An incorrect paste operation result when the decimalSeparator / groupSeparator option has a non-default value and the format is specified.
  • RadioGroup - A value cannot be set by clicking the widget if the valueExpr option is set.
  • RadioGroup - The getDataSource().items() expression returns an empty array after the programmatic dataSource assignment.
  • SelectBox - The drop-down button is not displayed if the editor has fieldTemplate with a read-only TextBox.
  • TagBox - The customQueryParams option is ignored when ODataStore is used.
  • TagBox does not select an item if the value option represents an array of objects after upgrading from v18.1.6 to v18.2.5.
  • The validation message is flickering on the dxCheckBox click.


DevExtreme Core

  • ResponsiveBox doesn't render HTML markup defined in the Item component.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Chart - It's impossible to set the error bar's edge line length relatively to the bar width using the edgeLength option.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • DataGrid - A toolbar drop-down menu is overlapped by grid rows.
  • Popup - The "Cannot read property '0' of undefined" error occurs if the widget is visible on the first load in React.


DevExtreme Data Grid

  • DataGrid - Bands and Columns - The "Cannot read property '0' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to manipulate columns at runtime.
  • DataGrid doesn't restore focus after a row is removed.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • DateBox - It is impossible to edit the masked date that includes the MMM format specifier in the Russian locale


DevExtreme Core

  • TabPanel - ViewChildren collection is not changed after data source is changed if repaintChangesOnly is "true".

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • A master detail template is shown above the master row if row template is used.
  • A validation error message is hidden behind a fixed column.
  • An incorrect row is switched to the editing mode if the virtual scrolling functionality is enabled.
  • Tab is not clicked in the master detail demo in Edge.
  • The control scrolls rows on an attempt to open the detail grid when rowRenderingMode is set to virtual and the infinite scrolling is enabled.
  • The Delete functionality works unexpectedly in multiple selection and batch editing modes.
  • The repaintChangesOnly option renders each 6's row twice if rowRenderingMode is virtual.
  • Unselect all is not working with a custom data source.
  • DataGrid changes a scrollbar position after the focusedRowIndex field was updated.
  • DataGrid does not set the page index correctly using the pager navigation buttons.
  • DataGrid doesn't display a record if it was added using the ArrayStore.push method.
  • DataGrid enables filtering of an empty column in the exported Excel file when the number of columns is less than or equal to 2.
  • DataGrid expands group rows infinitely if grouping.autoExpandAll is false and the focused row feature is used.
  • A custom Group Summary doesn't update when only a single group exists.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Chart does not allow clicking the Export button while the Printing browser tab is opened.
  • TreeMap - Performance is slow when updating labels of a large number of items.

DevExtreme Demos

  • Documentation - A typo in the Angular code snippet in the DevExtreme documentation.

DevExtreme Html Editor

  • HtmlEditor changes source HTML when the latter is accessed via the "value" option.
  • HtmlEditor raises the onFocusOut event when the focus method is called.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • A part of an appointment is not shown for the second day.
  • No time information for timeCellTemplate in non-timeline views.
  • The date switcher is disabled unexpectedly when the min and max options are specified in day mode.
  • Scheduler changes recurrent rule of an appointment even when the "Cancel" button is clicked in the appointment edit form.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • `cssClass` option changes cause performance issues in the Form component if Angular bindings are used.
  • DateBox - useMaskBehavior incorrectly works with the 'datetime' type and a custom displayFormat.
  • DateBox - Validation fails if a value is typed by a keyboard.
  • DateBox stays invalid after removing letters from the original value.
  • DropDownBox does not change/adjust the popup height in accordance with content.
  • DropDownBox with an embedded context menu is closed once a context menu item is clicked.
  • Form - Validation results are not displayed after cssClass is changed via Angular bindings.
  • Lookup - Scrolling and positioning incorrectly work in the material theme.
  • Lookup - The e.event object is undefined in the onValueChanged function when a user changes the Lookup value.
  • NumberBox - Format doesn't work if the "fa" culture is used.
  • RangeSlider does not show a validation message.
  • SelectBox does not hide its placeholder text under certain conditions when a field template is used.
  • SelectBox edit mode - The entered value is lost if the initial value is empty.
  • TagBox - Selection does not work with grouped DataSource.

DevExtreme Complete

Conjunto de componentes JavaScript para desarrollo web ágil.

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