SQL Monitor 9.0.8

Añade recuento de ejecuciones al informe Longest Running Queries.
Marzo 29, 2019
Nueva versión


  • Added execution count to Longest Running Queries report.
  • New report time filter values (30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours).



  • All Estate pages now support multiple base monitors.
  • Interpret UTC timestamps in extended event deadlock XML.
  • Databases are not longer duplicated in backups with different casing.
  • Allow a group to be specified when bulk-adding SQL Servers.
  • Getting notifications on Job Failing alerts ended.
  • Maintenance Windows alert exclusions now work for Azure SQL Servers.
  • AD user can see names of servers they don't have access to fixed for Reports.
  • Notification settings and log files restricted to administrator.
SQL Monitor

Redgate Monitor

Monitorización del rendimiento de PostgreSQL y SQL Server en tiempo real con alertas y diagnósticos.

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