Highmaps JS v7.1.2

Añade una nueva característica para desplazar verticalmente el área de trazado, además de mejoras para la serie de gráficos de cascada y packedbubble.
Junio 6, 2019
Nueva versión


  • Added new feature, vertically scrollable plot area.
    This adds native scrolling features vertically, and is enabled using the chart.scrollablePlotArea.minHeight setting.
  • Deprecated the 'labels' option in favor of 'annotations'.
  • Added stack labels feature to waterfall series.
  • Added auto alignment for solid gauges with two labels.
  • Improved performance for exporting packedbubble series.
  • Added 'series.nodes[index].remove()' method to networkgraph series to remove a node with all connected links.
  • Added support for percentage value in yAxis.labels.distance option for gauge series.
Highmaps JS

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