Data Masker for SQL Server 6.3.0

Mejora la accesibilidad de acciones y herramientas con menú y barra de herramientas nuevos.
Julio 5, 2019
Nueva versión


  • Improved the accessibility of actions and tools by providing a menu and toolbar.
  • The rule selection window is redesigned. It now provides information on how the rules are supposed to be used.
  • Masking sets created in version 5 of Data Masker can now be imported directly from the standard open dialog. This replaces the function to import version 5 masking sets from the Tools tab.
  • New rules can be created from the context menu on the Rules in Set tab.
Data Masker for SQL Server

Data Masker for SQL Server

Sustituya datos sensibles con datos de prueba realistas anonimizados.

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