Devart SSIS Integration Cloud Bundle V1.10.1027

Añade la capacidad de establecer el nombre del objeto mediante la variable de usuario del componente de destino.
Septiembre 16, 2019
Nueva versión


  • Added support for BigCommerce API version 3.
  • Added the ability to set object name using destination component user variable.
  • Added new Local SQL Engine connection string parameter for turning off local SQL processing (Salesforce Marketing Cloud).
  • Improved parsing error message returned by Devart ExactTarget Destination (Salesforce Marketing Cloud).
  • Added support for multi-targeting. Storing the assembly name and its version in the name of the Devart component in XML (*.dtsx) is no longer required.
  • Web login now uses operating system default browser for logging in to MailChimp.


  • Fixed bug updating Tags column in ListMembers table via API Version=v3 (MailChimp).
  • Fixed bug applying the value of the Default Command Timeout connection string parameter to the BulkInsert mode in Devart BigQuery Destination (Google BigQuery).
  • Fixed bug updating Time field (Salesforce).
Devart SSIS Integration Cloud Bundle

Devart SSIS Integration Cloud Bundle

Componentes de origen, búsqueda y destino de SSIS para aplicaciones en la nube.

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