Oxygen Content Fusion V2.0

Cree nuevas tareas directamente en la interfaz del navegador.
Febrero 13, 2020
Nueva versión


  • Create New Tasks Directly in the Browser Interface - This means that the task creation process is available to anyone who has access to the browser interface, even if they do not have access to Oxygen XML Editor/Author.
  • Create a New File Directly in the Browser Interface - If you are the owner of a task, you now have the ability to create a new file from a list of templates and the newly created file will automatically be added to the current task. This means that subject matter experts can create content drafts directly from a Web browser and send them to the content author to be integrated into the documentation.
  • Filter Content in Uploaded Files Based on a DITAVAL File - A DITAVAL file can now be attached to a task so that the content in uploaded DITA topics is filtered based upon the conditional profiling attribute values defined in the DITAVAL file. If a condition set is selected in the DITA Maps Manager, the corresponding DITAVAL file will automatically be selected in the task.
  • Option to Detect Files Referenced in Attached Non-DITA Files - For tasks that contain any file types other than DITA (for example, DocBook files), an option is now available to detect any files referenced within the attached documents and automatically upload those referenced files in the task. This means that reviewers have access to the referenced content.
  • See Avatars for All Users Who Have the Current Document Open - Avatars for all of the users who are currently accessing a particular file are shown in the left panel of the visual editor as well as in the Task Details page. You can hover over an avatar to see the names of the users and you can see which user is currently editing the file.
  • Configure Authentication to Accept Only LDAP Accounts - In previous versions, an admin could enable LDAP Authentication and users could log in using their LDAP credentials or sign up using their email address. Now, the Use LDAP Authentication option only allows LDAP credentials. However, there is now a new option (Allow both LDAP accounts and standard email accounts) so that users can still log in using either type.
  • Oxygen XML Web Author 22.0 - The visual editor that is based on Oxygen XML Web Author was updated to version 22.0, which contains numerous editing, performance, and security improvements.
  • Docker 19.03.4 - Docker was updated to version 19.03.4.
Create new tasks directly in the browser interface

Oxygen Content Fusion

Colaboración web para flujos de trabajo de revisión de documentación XML.

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