Actipro Editors for UWP 2020.1

Mejora los controles DateEditBox y TimeEditBox.
Marzo 26, 2020
Nueva versión


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.SelectedItemChanged event.
  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.InputMode property, which determines control usage behavior.
  • Added a HasText property to the BrushEditBox and ColorEditBox controls, allowing the text portion of the edit box to be hidden for swatch-only display.
  • Improved DateEditBox and TimeEditBox to accept delimiter-less input for several additional custom formats.
  • Updated numeric edit boxes to support large incremental changes when holding Shift while pressing Up/Down or rotating the mouse wheel.
  • Updated several numeric edit boxes to support custom format strings with semi-colon conditional format specifiers.
  • Updated AutoCompleteBox to dispatch filter application after property changes, thereby ensuring all data-bound properties are updated when the filter executes.
  • Updated the ColorPicker.Value property to be a nullable Color.


  • Fixed a bug where setting DateTimeEditBox.Value to a DateTime that is out of range of the current calendar could throw an exception.
Actipro Editors for UWP

Actipro Editors for UWP

Controles de editor avanzados para introducción de datos táctil, mediante ratón y mediante teclado.

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