Actipro Editors for WPF 2019.1 build 0685

Mejora los controles DateEditBox y TimeEditBox.
Marzo 26, 2020
Nueva versión


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.HasClearButton property, which determines whether a clear button appears when the control is focused and there is text.
  • Added a HasText property to the BrushEditBox and ColorEditBox controls, allowing the text portion of the edit box to be hidden for swatch-only display.
  • Improved DateEditBox and TimeEditBox to accept delimiter-less input for several additional custom formats.
  • Updated how edit boxes listen for focus loss scenarios.


  • Fixed a bug where edit boxes might not commit pending typed changes when in a focus scope (like a toolbar) and focus is moved back to the main focus scope.
  • Fixed a bug where setting DateTimeEditBox.Value to a DateTime that is out of range of the current calendar could throw an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where a Spinner in horizontal orientation had the buttons flipped.
Actipro Editors for WPF

Actipro Editors for WPF

Componentes avanzados de entrada de datos para aplicaciones WPF.

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