Actipro WPF Essentials 2019.1 build 0685

Mejora los controles Themes, Ribbon y Docking/MDI.
Marzo 26, 2020
Nueva versión



  • Added the StandardSwitcher.DocumentsColumnTitle and ToolWindowsColumnTitle properties to allow for easier customization of the column titles.
  • Added the AdvancedTabControl.HeaderBackground property that fills the header area behind tabs and buttons.
  • Updated when the DockingWindow.IsOpen property is changed during layout changes to more closely match the DockSite.WindowsOpened/WindowsClosed events.
  • Updated how the adornment Window that hosts dock guides is closed to prevent a possible exception.
  • Updated the Prism Integration samples to use Prism v7.2.


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.HasClearButton property, which determines whether a clear button appears when the control is focused and there is text.
  • Added a HasText property to the BrushEditBox and ColorEditBox controls, allowing the text portion of the edit box to be hidden for swatch-only display.
  • Improved DateEditBox and TimeEditBox to accept delimiter-less input for several additional custom formats.
  • Updated how edit boxes listen for focus loss scenarios.


  • Updated the Breadcrumb's caret to use the theme brush so that it renders well in dark themes.


  • Adjusted how the default 'Segoe UI' font is set on various Ribbon controls, allowing for easier customization if desired.


  • Updated native TextBox and RichTextBox context menus to be themed when using the ThemeManager.AreNativeThemesEnabled feature.



  • Fixed a bug where the DockSite.WindowsOpening/WindowsOpened events didn't fire when programmatically docking or floating a closed docking window in several scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug where the ElementName-based bindings from within the DockSite.Child's content to a named element outside of the DockSite would fail if the DockSite wasn't yet loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where an AdvancedTabControl with left/right tab placement didn't always measure the tabs correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where an AdvancedTabControl didn't always scroll overflowed tabs into view properly when a tab was closed.
  • Fixed a bug where focus might not be moved into another docking window when a focused floating docking window is programmatically closed.
  • Fixed a bug where failing to touch-drag a docking window successfully with UseDragFloatPreviews enabled could leave a drop target artifact on screen.


  • Fixed a bug where edit boxes might not commit pending typed changes when in a focus scope (like a toolbar) and focus is moved back to the main focus scope.
  • Fixed a bug where setting DateTimeEditBox.Value to a DateTime that is out of range of the current calendar could throw an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where a Spinner in horizontal orientation had the buttons flipped.


  • Fixed a bug where a menu item SplitButton didn't handle its disabled state properly.
Actipro WPF Essentials

Actipro WPF Essentials

Conjunto de componentes y controles de interfaz de usuario profesionales para WPF.

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