Actipro SyntaxEditor for UWP 2020.1 build 0351

Añade compatibilidad con validación basada en esquemas al lenguaje de sintaxis XML.
Agosto 28, 2020
Nueva versión


  • Updated the 'Adornments - Squiggles Intro' QuickStart to show a more realistic scenario of tracking developer-specified tagged ranges.
  • Updated the CollectionTagger.Clear method to accurately report the changed text range in the TagsChanged event when there are fewer than 100 tags being removed. Otherwise, the entire snapshot range is returned as before.
  • Updated the virtual CodeSnippetSelectionSession.OnCompletionSessionInitializing method to perform sorting and be called after items have been added to the session, so that completion items and/or sorting can be customized prior to opening.
  • Updated touch taps over a collapsed outlining node to select the node's text range.
  • Adjusted the order of logic that executes when the SyntaxEditor.Document property is set.
  • Updated the Language Designer application.

Web Languages Add-on

  • Updated the XML syntax language to support schema-based validation.
  • Updated the HTML and XML editor demos with automated IntelliPrompt features.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for UWP

Actipro SyntaxEditor for UWP

Una suite de análisis y control de editor de código con resaltado de sintaxis.

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