VectorDraw Web Library 8.8006.x

Mejora la acción de actualización del contexto de gráficos.
Noviembre 27, 2020
Nueva versión


  • Added export AddImageDefinition method with a loaded callback.
  • Added support for vdcanvas.CmdMirror and vdcanvas.scriptCommand.mirror methods.
  • Added support for vdPointCloud objects in web control.
  • Added new GIS example to the samples.
  • Added the ability to use both Grips and Crossing Select in web control.
  • Improved graphics context refresh action.
  • Added the ability to export script to memory string data.
  • Added the ability to change whether the action will be hidden or not when the cursor is out of the canvas element.
  • Added the ability to draw and display entities after all the entities of the document have been drawn in View Coordinating System.
  • Added the ability to save the Clipping Operation of each polycurve to web control VDS file format.
  • Added new FilterEntities to vdraw web control method - Enumerates all the entities in the selected document and calls the passed function for each entity.
VectorDraw Web Library

VectorDraw Web Library

Añada visualización de dibujos y objetos de vectores CAD a sus aplicaciones HTML5.

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