dotConnect for PostgreSQL V7.20.1836

Añade una nueva opción de línea de comandos para deshabilitar la adición de ensamblados a GAC.
Febrero 19, 2021
Nueva versión


  • Added a new command line option /disablegac that disables adding assemblies to GAC.

Entity Developer

  • Changed the behavior of Entity Developer embedded into Microsoft Visual Studio: lower versions in the Entity Framework Core version property of Model Settings are not hidden any more.
  • Changed the behavior in Entity Framework Core Model: QueryType=True is now set for all classes without PK.
  • Improved C# code generation: the using directives are generated instead of full namespaces in the names of attributes for DataAnnotations, NHibernate Validator and Enterprise Library validation frameworks.
  • Improved Code generation: OnModelCreating(modelBuilder) of the base class is now invoked if the Base Context Type property of Entity Framework Core Model is initialized.

Entity Framework support

  • Entity Framework Core 5.0.3 is now supported.
  • Entity Framework Core 3.1.12 is now supported.
dotConnect for PostgreSQL

dotConnect for PostgreSQL

Proveedor de ADO.NET para PostgreSQL con compatibilidad con ORM.

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