Rebex Security R5.1

Mejora el uso de la memoria en transformaciones de cifrado simétricas.
Marzo 5, 2021
Nueva versión


  • All: Changed release naming scheme ('R5.1' instead of '2020 R5.1').
  • Cryptography: Enhanced implicit operator for conversion of Certificate->X509Certificate2 to retain private keys on non-Microsoft Windows platforms as well.
  • Cryptography: Optimized memory usage in symmetric encryption transformations based on Windows CNG API.
  • Cryptography: Substantial speed-up of Chacha20/Poly1305 (used in SSH and TLS). Utilizing AVX2 or Advanced NEON SIMD on Microsoft .NET 5.0 (if available).
  • Common: Accelerated common byte array operations in .NET 5.0 on devices with AVX2 support.
Rebex Security

Rebex Security

XTS-AES y otras clases de seguridad muy prácticas para .NET.

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