DevExpress Office File API 21.1.6

Mejora las API de PDF, procesamiento de texto y documentos de hoja de cálculo.
Octubre 4, 2021
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PDF Document API

  • Export to PDF - Fonts with a name longer than 31 characters cannot be embedded.
  • Merging - A form is not flattened after documents are merged using the "AppendDocument" method.
  • PAdES - The AddToDSS method incorrectly calculates the hash of document-level timestamps for the VRI dictionary.
  • PAdES - The AddToDSS method uses wrong keys for the VRI dictionary.
  • Parsing - A document with an incorrect value of the 'Trapped' key in the document information dictionary cannot be processed.
  • Text Extraction - Text is incorrectly extracted when a font has an invalid bounding box.
  • The Graphics API - MeasureString/DrawString function incorrectly handles strings with line-break opportunity before trailing spaces when PdfStringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces flag is set.
  • The PdfPage.Rotate property is incorrectly applied to the inserted page if the same page is copied and inserted multiple times.
  • Usability - There is no API to get signature contents.

Spreadsheet Document API

  • A particular stacked bar chart is rendered incorrectly.
  • After Series.AxisGroup is set to Secondary in Spreadsheet, the chart series object cannot be used.
  • Import from XLS - Spreadsheet imports a data validation rule of the List type with an invariant delimiter.
  • Saving a document in SpreadsheetControl corrupts the resulting file.
  • The Font Color is set to IsEmpty = False after saving and loading to/from the XLSB format.
  • The Spreadsheet formula engine incorrectly calculates the COUNTIFS function.
  • The Spreadsheet formula engine incorrectly calculates the IRR function.
  • The Spreadsheet formula engine incorrectly calculates the IRR function for specific data.
  • Usability - There is no API to insert a new column formatted as a previous column.

Word Processing Document API

  • A particular stacked bar chart is rendered incorrectly.
  • An application hangs on an attempt to export a particular OpenXml document to PDF.
  • An image located in the document header isn't rendered cropped.
  • Import from DOCX - Inline images located in table cells are aligned incorrectly.
  • Import from HTML - An empty "title" tag located in the document body is incorrectly processed.
DevExpress Office File API

DevExpress Office File API

Lea y escriba archivos de Excel y Word, cree y edite documentos PDF y genere códigos de barras y archivos comprimidos.

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