dotConnect for SQLite V5.18.2001

Agrega compatibilidad con Entity Framework Core 5.0.11 y 3.1.20.
Octubre 25, 2021
Nueva versión


  • Entity Framework support:
    • Added support for Entity Framework Core 5.0.11.
    • Added support for Entity Framework Core 3.1.20.
    • The Code-First Migration operations RenameColumn (SQLite 3.25 and above) and DropColumn (SQLite 3.35 and above) are now natively supported in Entity Framework 4/5/6 and Entity Framework Core 1/2/3/5.
    • The implementation of config.CodeFirstOptions.TruncateLongDefaultNames in Entity Framework 6 Microsoft .NET Standard compliant assemblies has been improved: the generated names are constant, independent on a current domain and workstation.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Preview support has been discontinued.
dotConnect for SQLite

dotConnect for SQLite

Desarrolle fácilmente aplicaciones de base de datos basadas en SQLite.

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