ActiveState Platform - Marzo de 2022

Agrega la capacidad de administrar sin esfuerzo las dependencias de código abierto.
Marzo 18, 2022
Nueva versión


  • Expanded Apple macOS support - Python 3.9+ and Perl 5.32+ are now supported for Apple macOS.
  • Import Trusted Artifacts Directly into Artifactory - Stop using potentially risky open source that can compromise your supply chain. Instead, employ secure, trusted processes for building open source artifacts and deliver them directly to your Artifactory instance.
  • Effortlessly Manage Open Source Dependencies - Choose your desired packages and all dependencies will automatically be imported, enabling you to build complete open source artifacts.
  • Secure Your Software Supply Chain - Leverage a cloud-based build farm that supports SLSA4 (Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts, level 4) standards to build secure, trusted artifacts from released open source.
ActiveState Platform

ActiveState Platform

Cree, resuelva y certifique automáticamente idiomas de código abierto.

¿Alguna pregunta?

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