Publicación de TeeChart .NET for Blazor

Gráficos, mapas y medidores interactivos para entornos de escritorio y móviles.
Abril 14, 2022
Nuevo producto


  • Chart types
    • Standard: Line (Strip), Bar, Area, Pie, Fast Line, Point (Scatter), Bubble, Arrow, Gantt, Shape, Horiz.Area, Horiz.Bar, Horiz.Line, Pointer style Hexagon.
    • Financial: Candle (OHLC), Darvas, Kagi, Renko, Point and Figure, Volume, EquiVolume.
    • Statistical: Box-Plot, Color Grid, Error, Error Bar, Error Point, Funnel (Pipeline), HighLow, Histogram, Volume Pipe, Waterfall, Horiz. BoxPlot, Horiz. Histogram, Violin, BeeSwarm, Horiz. Violin, Horiz.
    • Extended: 3D Vector, Bezier, Contour, Donut, IsoSurface, Map GIS, Organizational Chart, Polar, Polar Grid, Point 3D, Pyramid, Radar, Smith, Surface, TreeMap, Tri.Surface, Tower.
    • Other: Bar 3D, Bar-Join, Calendar, Clock, Image Bar, Image Point, My Point, TagCloud, Wind-Rose, BubbleCloud.
  • Gauges
    • Dynamic Gauges, Circular, Linear, Numeric, Knob or Combination. TeeChart's Gauges are completely configurable to give you full control of format, size, color and shape.
  • Maps
    • A library of map series with support for ESRI open standard map formats.
  • Visualization formats
    • All chart series types may be rendered as static images such as JPEG and PNG or as SVG (vector format) with animation enhancements. The following series types may be plotted as native JavaScript and are fully interactive with support for animations:
      • Standard: Line (Strip), Bar, Area, Pie, Line, Point (Scatter), Bubble, Gantt, Horiz.Area, Horiz.Bar, Horiz.Line, Bullet and Spark.
      • Financial: Candle (OHLC).
      • Statistical: Color Grid, HighLow, Histogram.
      • Extended: Donut, Map GIS, Polar, Surface.
      • Other: Clock and Circular Gauge.
  • Functions and Indicators
    • 50+ financial and statistical indicators including:
      • Standard: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Count, Average, High, Low, Median Function, Percent Change.
      • Financial: ADX, AC, Alligator, AO, ATR, Bollinger Bands, CCI, CLV, Compression OHLC, Exp. Average, Exp. moving average, Gator Oscillator, Kurtosis, MACD, Momentum, MomentumDiv, Money Flow, OBV, PVO, RSI, RVI, Slope, Smoothed Mov Avg, S.A.R Function.
      • Statistical: SPC Charts, Histograms, Skewness, Lagrange, Kernel-Density Estimator (KDE).
      • Extended: Cross points, Correlation, Cumulative, Custom y=y(x), Exponential Trend, Fitting linearizable models, Performance, Perimeter, Polynomial fitting, Finding coefficients, Reducing number of points, DownSampling, RMS, Smoothing function, Std Deviation, Trendline, Variance.
      • Steema Numerics: Predictive and anomaly detection algorithm interface to ML.Net.
  • Data Connectivity
    • You can easily create and/or connect to an existing database or dataset in your project.
  • Data aware
    • Direct access to Microsoft .NET data sources.
    • Direct access to URL addressable charts.
  • Custom Chart Tools
    • Includes a set of tools for static format export.
    • Annotation, ExtraLegend, GridBand, ColorLine, ColorBand, LegendPalette.
    • And for dynamic formats: MarkTip, SeriesAnimation, Zoom, Scroll, DataTable, Scroller bar.
  • Exporting Formats
    • You can easily export charts as images (bitmap, metafile, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PDF, SVG, EPS and native Chart format) and as data to Microsoft Excel, XML, HTML, CSV (text) and native Chart format.
    • Builds and exports to Flash via Flex compiler.
  • Multi-language
    • TeeChart forms and string constants translated to 29 languages.
    • The translation can be used at design-time and run-time.
  • Fast and Memory Efficient
    • Direct high-speed addition of array data to charts.
  • Multiple Axes
    • Use the Chart Editor to add and setup multiple axes or add them at runtime.
    • Virtually unlimited axes may be added and independently configured.
  • Interactive Zooming and Scrolling
    • JavaScript exported charts can be scrolled and zoomed using the mouse or by code at runtime.
    • Zoom and scroll features can be customized using chart properties and events.
  • Chart Themes
    • Includes 14 predefined themes.
  • Visual Attributes
    • Color palette management, transparency and anti-aliasing on all Chart object Pens, Brushes, Fonts and Gradients.
    • Custom 3D drawing objects.
TeeChart .NET for Blazor

TeeChart .NET for Blazor

Gráficos, mapas y medidores interactivos para entornos de escritorio y móviles.

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