DevExpress WinForms 21.2.7

Mejora los controles Data Access Library, PDF Viewer, Chart, Editor, Grid, RichEdit y Scheduling.
Abril 19, 2022
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All WinForms products

  • "'DevExpress.XtraReports.Design.VSCore.TypeInfoDiscovery.RemoteClassStub' has no property named 'ClearBeforeFill'" error occurs when a report with a DataSet is opened in the Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer.
  • "Signature Options" dialog in PrintPreview does not use the skin for context menu.
  • A parameter's description in the Parameters Panel is not displayed at the right if RTL is set to WindowsFormsSettings.
  • Data Source Wizard - "Could not load file or assembly 'log4net'. The system cannot find the file specified." error occurs while binding a report to an Object data source.
  • Document Viewer - Document is not redrawn after changing Zoom without additional actions.
  • DocumentManager: child MDI forms cannot be activated from taskbar in some scenarios.
  • Exception is thrown on using images in HTML/CSS templates when DirectX rendering is enabled.
  • FlyoutPanel throws ObjectDisposedException.
  • HtmlContentControl - An image is not displayed if only one size attribute is set.
  • Report Designer - A custom dialog immediately closes on editing XRSubreport.ReportSourceUrl.
  • Report Designer - A summary configured through the Summary Editor may produce no value (the DisplayName issue).
  • Screen readers read the Text property of TextEdit-based editors twice when the AccessibleName property is not specified.
  • TextBoxMaskBox created in TextEdit-based editors generates two accessibility objects in certain usage scenarios.
  • The popup menu's color is incorrect in the grid when using SkinMaskColor.
  • Visual Studio 2022 closes after clicking on an interactive element in the Preview window.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - Localization Editor is not hidden in "Use Satellite Assemblies" mode.
  • WinForms designers do not take an applied theme of Visual Studio 2022 into account.
  • XRChart - The 'Invalid Parameter' error is thrown when a new Control Parameter is created from the Filter String Editor.

Coded UI Test Extension

  • WinAppDriver cannot recognize content in a popup form in an MDI child form.

Data Access Library

  • Connection Editor - Cannot catch the "Cannot find any database servers" exception with a custom ExceptionHandler.
  • EFDataSource - "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite.EF6' or one of its dependencies." error occurs after upgrading to v21.2.6.
  • ExpressionEditorControl - No escaping is added for square brackets in property names.
  • Query Builder - The CountDistinct aggregate produces an incorrect query.
  • SqlDataSource - The enhanced "Manage Queries" dialog throws the NullReference exception when searching queries.

PDF Viewer

  • Annotations - The PdfRubberStampAnnotationFacade.Opacity property does not work for custom rubber stamp icons.
  • API - PdfDocumentProcessor throws NullReferenceException during document unloading if its interactive form contains a non-terminal form field without children and the PdfAcroFormFacade object was obtained for it.
  • Encryption - An encrypted document cannot be opened if the 'EncryptMetadata' value from 'encryption dictionary' doesn't match the 'encrypt metadata' flag in the 'Perms' array.
  • GUI - The PdfPageSetupDialog form flickers when it is displayed if a dark skin or palette is set.
  • Parsing - A document with a cyclic reference in the 'outline' object cannot be opened.
  • Parsing - Parser hangs up on parsing PostScript with an unpaired ']' token.
  • PdfViewerControl allows a user to interact with rubber stamp annotations that have Hidden, NoView, or Invisible flags.
  • Usability - There is no public API to switch Direct2D to the software renderer.
  • Writing - Interactive form field appearance is saved incorrectly if the PDF viewer's HighlightFormFields property value is true.
  • Writing - The name of the predefined ToUnicode CMap isn't preserved on file resaving.
  • XtraPdfViewer - Attachment file name tooltip doesn't use the skin.


  • The Encryption form shows "Confirmation with password is not identical." error.

XtraBars Suite

  • A customization form cannot be used if it is shown for another form.
  • Accessibility does not provide information about selected items in BarEditItem with RadioGroup.
  • AccordionControl - AccordionControlElement text appears under HeaderControls when SVGImage is applied to any element.
  • BarButtonItem - An item cannot display a multiline description in a sub menu when custom font settings and HTML tags rendering are used.
  • BarButtonItem cannot be recognized in the sub-item menu using the Appium UI tool.
  • BarButtonItem text is hidden on hovering over in the High Contrast skin.
  • BarEditItem with ComboBoxEdit has an incorrect accessible role.
  • BarItem text is not updated in several cases when the Accelerator function is used in a non-main bar.
  • BarManager - Hidden items produce space between bars when a form with these bars is resized.
  • BarManager - Items and Bars are unpredictably hidden when a form with these bars is resized.
  • BarManager - The RadioGroup text is not shown when BarEditItem is focused in several skins.
  • BarManager is not merged if it is located in UserControl.
  • DockManager - A redundant resize line is shown for the center panel.
  • DockPanel with its Visibility property set to AutoHide expands past its bounds when a custom application default font is set on Microsoft .NET 6.
  • DocumentManager - The taskbar thumbnail and preview are empty for CefSharp browsers when DocumentManager.ShowThumbnailsInTaskBar is true.
  • DocumentManager: The MDI form icon is not shown in the task bar sometimes.
  • Dragging switches to resizing after dragging a DockPanel out of a tab container when the CustomResizeZoneThickness property is set to a custom value.
  • PopupMenu - There is no way to reorder items in the .NET5 Ribbon Control Designer.
  • RibbonForm - Item from the child form's caption bar is drawn regardless of MdiMergeStyle = Never.
  • RibbonForm - There is no way to set the form's icon by using the IconOptions property in a .NET 6 project.
  • RibbonForm's border and buttons flicker when the Backstage View is hidden or shown.
  • Setting the BarStaticItem.AutoSize property to Spring does not work in vertical toolbars.
  • The BarItem length is not updated if BackstageView is shown.
  • The horizontal position of BarStaticItem is incorrect when its bar is displayed vertically and the RotateWhenVertical property is set to False.
  • There is no way to modify the RibbonControl page selection indicator bounds.
  • TileNavPane - The size of the dropdown and tiles is not scaled in HighDPI mode.
  • Visual Studio loses its focus after an image is chosen in ImagePicker at design time.
  • VS2022 - In the Designer, Toolbar in StandaloneBarDockControl doesn't work correctly.

XtraCharts Suite

  • XtraCharts - The IndexOutOfRangeException occurs on an attempt to filter the series with annotations anchored to series points.


  • NullReferenceException is raised when a window with DiagramControl is closed after using DiagramDesignerForm.

XtraEditors Library

  • AlertControl prevents an application from closing.
  • ButtonEdit - In Advanced Mode, text selection is reset on clicking the editor button.
  • Customizations of RepositoryItemSearchControl's built-in buttons are not copied using the RepositoryItem.Assign method.
  • DateEdit - Selector displays an incorrect month when the today button is clicked and MaxValue is earlier than today's date.
  • DirectX - Text is not drawn using the GraphicsCache.DrawString method when the StringAlignment.Center setting is used.
  • DXValidationProvider's smart tag actions freeze the .NET/.NET Core designer.
  • GridLookUpEdit - The ProcessNewValue event is not raised when the Tab key is pressed if the SearchMode property is set to GridLookUpSearchMode.AutoSearch.
  • MessageBox is displayed in an incorrect position when its parent form is hidden.
  • Numeric Mask - A decimal separator does not pass validation in the sv-SE culture on the first data update when the value is bound to a nullable type.
  • Overlay Form - A form is not hidden when a TabbedView document is docked/undocked or its state is changed.
  • PictureEdit doesn't show Image when its parent form is shown via ShowDialog and DirectX is enabled.
  • ProgressPanel - A multi-line description is partially truncated when WaitAnimationType is set to Bar.
  • RepositoryItemTokenEdit draws a wrong ForeColor and Glyph in the Bezier skin.
  • StepProgressBar - The background color is painted as black if BackColor is set to Transparent.
  • The CalendarControl value cannot be set using Accessibility.
  • The DateEdit value cannot be set via Accessibility if its popup is open.
  • TimeEdit - ArgumentException is thrown when TimeEditStyle is set to TouchUI and a mask has both the 24-hour format specifier and the AM/PM designator.
  • TokenEdit - The popup form cannot be shown when a token is removed from the editor that displays all tokens.
  • XtraForm - A dialog cannot be disposed of when the Overlay Form is closed with the dialog.
  • XtraMessageBox - Appearance settings are not updated when a skin is changed.
  • XtraOpenFileDialog - NullReferenceException is thrown when deleting multiple files in Multiselect mode.


  • GanttControl - e.Cancel = true is ignored in the TaskProgressModification event handler.
  • GanttControl - Task dependencies are incorrectly printed if the control scroll position is changed.
  • GanttControl - There is no way to determine the MilestoneBaseline element in the CustomizeItem event handler.
  • GanttControl does not print horizontal lines in the chart area.
  • The GanttControl border cannot be hidden in the print document.

XtraGauges Suite

  • The PresetManager form does not show the scroll bar.

XtraGrid Suite

  • FilterPopupExcelEventArgs.DefaultFilterType is not working when CustomFilterFunctions are implemented.
  • Grid Control doesn't take data annotation attributes into account when it's bound to RealTimeSource.
  • GridControl - An SVG image is pixilated in an HTML template of ItemView.
  • GridControl - Images are shown with artifacts when scrolling ItemsView using the mouse wheel.
  • GridControl - LevelIndent is not scaled correctly with different DPI settings.
  • JAWS reader does not read detail records if a user expanded a detail view using the keyboard.
  • PopupContainerEdit doesn't raise the QueryResultValue event when GridControl's customization form is opened.
  • ReportGenerator (VB.NET) - Generated design-time report lacks InitializeComponents.
  • The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager removes leading zeros.
  • The expand/collapse button is not recognized when using Appium.
  • There is no way to hide the scroll bar for ItemView.
  • TileView incorrectly calculates its content during resizing when the RightToLeft option is enabled.
  • XtraGrid Cell values are instantly overridden when the Allow Sort Animation property is enabled with the DirectX option.

XtraLayout Suite

  • LayoutControl - The PrintPreview layout changes after reopening the preview form in “Flow layout” mode.
  • LayoutControl does not offer an event which is raised after transition animation ends.
  • LayoutControlItems have an incorrect size if they are added from a hidden item list.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the TabbedGroupViewInfo.GetScreenTabCaptionRect method.


  • Map Control for WinForms - MapCallout is not displayed correctly when BackgroundDrawingMode is None and Animation is enabled.
  • Map for WinForms incorrectly highlights map elements after rotating and resizing the view port.


  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on an attempt to invoke the Paragraphs.Get method for the selected range if the formatting was cleared for this range.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException on an attempt to add a bulleted list after performing specific actions.
  • Document Layout - Font settings of paragraph marks differ from those of text in paragraphs, which causes layout distortions.
  • Document Layout - The "System.InvalidOperationException: 'Sequence contains no matching element'" exception occurs when exporting a specific OpenXML document to PDF.
  • Import from DOCX - A custom decimal property cannot be read.
  • List numbers are incorrectly formatted in a certain DOC file.
  • The Encryption form shows "Confirmation with password is not identical." error.
  • UI - The Font form incorrectly operates with a specific document formatted with the "Al-Mateen" font.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • A black area can be displayed in DayView on resizing.
  • Collapsing ResourceTree is not hiding Resources if root resource is not visible in DayView.
  • MissingMethodException is thrown when the layout is restored if TimeScaleWorkDay is added.
  • Scheduler - When DayView's ColumnWidth is set, the width of columns can still be changed on resizing.
  • SchedulerControl - "Key cannot be null" error occurs when Scheduler is created programmatically.
  • SchedulerControl - HTML template disappears while scrolling.
  • SchedulerControl - The OutlookUtils.GetOutlookCalendarFolders method doesn't return calendar folders in a .NET 6 project.
  • SchedulerControl - The visible interval changes to the minimal interval of MonthView when the DateTimeScrollbarVisible option is disabled and the view is scrolled using the mouse wheel.
  • The resource text is truncated when this resource does not contain any appointments.


  • Implement events to process expand/collapse operations for row and column groups in SpreadsheetControl.
  • ParsedThingEqual/ParsedThingNotEqual are incorrectly calculated under certain conditions.
  • Spreadsheet for Web - Long Chinese text is incorrectly wrapped in Spreadsheet cells if the text overlaps neighbor cells.
  • SpreadsheetControl does not update a table column name when a user changes a table header's cell.
  • SpreadsheetControl incorrectly saves XLSX documents with a Waterfall chart.
  • SpreadsheetControl throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException on an attempt to import a certain Xlsx document.
  • The "Insert" context menu item shown for a worksheet row has an incorrect German translation.
  • The DevExpress.XtraSpreadsheet.Model.RangeVerticalVector.GetHashCode() method crashes with System.NullReferenceException when a specific document is rendered in SpreadsheetControl and has conditional formatting applied.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • Make the PropertyGridControl.CreateCategory method virtual.
  • NullReferenceException is raised when a window with DiagramControl is closed after using DiagramDesignerForm.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the RaiseEditValueChangedCore method.
  • PropertyGridControl with Office View - Editors shrink to minimum when inserting PGridEmptyRow.
  • PropertyGridControl with Office View - The default distance between the image and the editor/text is too small when a row image is used.
  • PropertyGridControl with Office View: TrackBar's thumb can be moved over adjacent editors.
  • PropertyGridControl with OfficeView: RowProperties.Padding doesn't control row heights correctly in OfficeView.
  • PropertyGridControl with the Office View: OptionsView.ShowEmptyRowImage doesn't work.
  • The background color is changed if the error icon is hidden.
  • VGridControl - A category row has insufficient width and there's an empty column to its right.
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms

Todas las suites de componentes y bibliotecas de WinForms producidas por DevExpress en un solo paquete.

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