GrapeCity Documents .NET Bundle 5.1.0

PDF Viewer agrega la capacidad de guardar el estado de las capas PDF.
Abril 26, 2022
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GrapeCity Documents for Excel, .NET Edition

  • GcExcel Report Templates Enhancements - GcExcel Report Templates now support more Microsoft Excel features and the speed of report generation has been improved. In addition, it is also now possible to directly bind Report Templates with a JSON data source using the JsonDataSource class.
  • Import Table, Range, or Worksheet from Excel Files - This release adds the ImportData function which makes it possible to import a specific range of data from an Excel file without loading the whole file. It is faster to use the ImportData function in the following situations:
    • If the source file has a large number of formulas.
    • If the source file has multiple sheets, but the user only wants data from one sheet.
    • If the source file has a lot of data.
  • New CELL Function Support - New CELL function helps you find relevant cell information including address, color, contents, filename and format.
  • Convert Table to Range - Once you convert the Table to a Range, the Table features are no longer available, however, style and data would be retained.
  • Modify Excel Passwords - GcExcel adds the IWorkbook.WriteProtection class to set protection options when saving a workbook. With this new feature you can:
    • Save the workbook as WriteProtection.ReadOnlyRecommended.
    • Add protection options when saving a workbook.
    • Check whether the document has 'Modify Password' set.
    • Set a 'Modify Password'.
    • Set the name of the user who has write permission for the workbook.
    • Check if the password is the same as the one set in 'Modify Password'.
  • CSV Custom Parser - GcExcel introduces ICsvParser for users to parse data using their own rules.
  • Specify 'ShowValuesAs' Option for 'Values' Field - GcExcel now supports the 'Show Values As' option which helps display values.
  • Support for Calculated Fields in Pivot Table - A Calculated Field can help you perform calculations on one or more fields in your data source. GcExcel adds an ICalculatedFields interface which you can use to create or remove calculated fields in a Pivot table.
  • Support for "Show #N/A as an empty cell" in Chart - New IChart.DisplayNaAsBlank property allows you to control whether #N/A data is plotted as an empty cell or not plotted at all on a chart.
  • More features for SpreadJS Integration
    • Support for Pivot table views (JSON I/O) - GcExcel now supports JSON I/O of Pivot Views.
    • Support for TableSheet (JSON I/O) - GcExcel now supports JSON I/O of TableSheets.
    • Numbers Fit Mode - You may have experienced a situation where the number in a column is too wide for the field, resulting in the display of number signs (pound sign "#") in the cell. GcExcel now supports IWorkbookView.NumbersFitMode enum with Mask and Overflow options. The Mask option replaces data with '###,' while the Overflow option overflows data if the neighboring cell is empty. This option works only with SpreadJS JSON I/O or exporting to PDF, HTML, or Image.

GrapeCity Documents for Word

  • Enhanced Font Support - The last release added the ability to embed Fonts in DOCX documents, the v5.1 release extends this capability allowing you to include standard fonts from files using the GrapeCity.Documents.Text namespace and saving font info to the DOCX document. Additionally, new settings have been added to get theme fonts for different language cultures. In this release, DOCX documents using cloud fonts are also supported.
  • Font Effects - Fill and Line properties have been added to the Font class.
  • Paragraph Block Behavior - GcWord now allows you to define a list of values (multi-line) within a table cell using a new template formatter.
  • Run Block Behavior - This formatter allows you to print list data items as runs of the same paragraph, rather than as separate paragraphs.
  • Ignore Missing Data Members - When the MissingFieldsHandling property is set to Strict, an exception will be thrown when a non-existent field is found. Otherwise if the property is set to Relaxed mode, such fields will be silently ignored.
  • Support for Type Converting Formatter - New Type Converting Formatter allows you to convert input data into numeric or boolean data.
  • Save Documents to SVG - It is now possible to use all common graphics operations to draw on an instance of the new GcSvgGraphics class, which then can be converted to GcSvgDocument and saved as an SVG or an SVGZ image. In addition, saving individual pages of a GcWordLayout in SVG and SVGZ formats is also supported.

GrapeCity Documents for Imaging

  • New GcSvgDocument class is now included in the GrapeCity.Documents.Svg namespace. This class allows you to create, load, inspect, modify and save the internal structure of an SVG image. The GcSvgGraphics class is derived from GcGraphics. It makes it possible to render graphics on a GcSvgDocument.
  • The GcSvgDocument class adds a ToSvgDocument method that converts a set of drawing commands (from GcSvgGraphics) to the well-defined object model of SVG Document. The resulting SVG Document can be saved to the .SVG file or converted to a byte array with compressed SVGZ data.

GrapeCity Documents for PDF

  • Support for PAdES B-LT and B-LTA Electronic Signatures - Two new classes have been implemented to support the LTV signatures: the Document Security Store and the Document Timestamp Signature.
  • PDF Layers (Optional Content) Enhancements - You can now pass an instance of the ViewState class to various GcPdf methods. This class has been introduced to represent transient environment settings so that operations such as text searching or saving PDF pages to images can be performed in the context of the programmatically specified settings.
  • Save Documents to SVG - It is now possible to use all common graphics operations to draw on an instance of the new GcSvgGraphics class, which then can be converted to GcSvgDocument and saved as an SVG or an SVGZ image. In addition, saving individual pages of a GcPdfDocument in SVG and SVGZ formats is also supported.
  • GrapeCity Documents PDF Viewer (GcPdfViewer)
    • Rotate Stamp Annotations - You can now rotate Stamp Annotations to any degree using freehand rotation on the UI or through the Rotate property in the property panel.
    • Form Fields Orientation - GcPdfViewer provides the ability to customize the Orientation property of Form Fields as per the rotated document.
    • Improved Support for Dynamic XFA Forms - GcPdfViewer now supports the following XFA Forms features:
      • Submit, print, reset form actions.
      • Links.
      • Some JavaScript actions (common JavaScript calculations, base ECMA functions, etc.).
    • Save State of PDF Layers When Saving a Document - GcPdfViewer now optionally makes certain edit buttons (e.g., add 'Text Field') sticky so that the operation can be repeated multiple times without clicking the button again.
Save State of PDF Layers

Document Solutions .NET Bundle

Genere, cargue, edite y guarde hojas de cálculo, PDF, imágenes y archivos DOCX en cualquier aplicación .NET, C#, ASP.NET o VB.NET sin dependencias de Microsoft Office o Adobe Acrobat.

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Chatee en vivo ahora mismo con nuestros especialistas en licencias de MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity).