Fiddler Everywhere v3.2.0

Mejora el rendimiento de las aplicaciones al importar varios archivos de sesión a la vez.
Mayo 3, 2022
Nueva versión


  • [Beta Feature] Compare Traffic - Added the option to compare sessions from the same tab. Select two sessions and choose "Compare" from the context menu.
  • Add server certificate validation and information in the live sessions list and response inspectors. Click the certificate label in the response inspector to see detailed information about it.
  • The certificate validation will now show warnings for server certificates that will expire soon.
  • Added the ability to match rules for a specific number of times. After the match count is reached, the rule is automatically disabled.
  • Now shows a tooltip with the full URL or path when you hover over it in the session inspectors and composer collections tree.
  • Improved the overview tab with session duration and size totals.
  • Improved app performance when importing multiple session archives at once.
Fiddler Everywhere

Fiddler Everywhere

Amplíe su actividad de depuración con un proxy de depuración web para cualquier dispositivo o plataforma.

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