Oxygen Content Fusion V5.0

Agrega la capacidad de buscar contenido específico en todos los archivos adjuntos a una tarea.
Mayo 30, 2022
Nueva versión


Full Text Search

  • Search Files in Review Task - Content Fusion now has a Search side-view (on the left side pane) that makes it possible to search for specific content in all files attached to the task. Previously, you were only able to search the current file.
  • Find/Replace Side View - A Find/Replace side-view has been added to the visual editor (on the right side pane). It makes it easier to see both the search UI and the document with results highlighted. It also makes it possible to see all search results at a glance without having to scroll through the document.


  • View Comments and Tracked Changes Throughout the Entire Task - The new Search side-view now makes it possible to see all the comments added in a review task and to filter them by author, date, or type.
  • Mentions Supported Inside Comments - You can now mention (@user) other collaborators in review comments and the collaborators will see those comments highlighted in the Content Fusion browser interface.
  • Review Tasks Created in the Browser Have Change Tracking Disabled by Default - By default, when you create a review task using the Content Fusion interface in a browser, the change tracking feature is now disabled. This helps Subject Matter Experts create draft content without being distracted by the change tracking mechanism.
  • Control Change Tracking Colors - A new option has been added in the Preferences dialog box for controlling the colors of tracked changes. You can choose to have insertions shown in green while deletions are shown in red for all authors, or you can choose to show a different color for each author.

User Interface Design Improvements

  • Color Theme Modernized - The color theme has been updated to offer Content Fusion a more modern look and feel.
  • Side Views Reorganized - The left-side pane has been re-organized to offer easier access to various features with a tabular design. The Task Files tab displays all the files attached to the task, the Task Activity tab displays a history of the activity that has occurred for the task (e.g. changes and comments), and the Search tab makes it possible to search for specific content in all files attached to the task.

Visual Editor

  • Updated Oxygen XML Web Author - Oxygen XML Web Author is used as a component to provide the visual editing in Content Fusion and it has been updated to version 24.1.0. Some of the most important features are listed below:
    • Concurrent Editing Support Optimized - The Concurrent Editing feature uses advanced algorithms and data structures to synchronize changes between users in real-time. The memory overhead incurred by this feature has been reduced by 75% compared to the previous version. Furthermore, compared to a scenario where each user edits their own copy of a document, the Concurrent Editing sessions consume only 50% more memory.
    • Tags Display Mode Switcher - A Tags Display Mode switcher has been added directly in the breadcrumb bar to make it easier to change the amount of Tags that are displayed when exploring the document structure.
    • EXF Files Now Supported When Uploading Frameworks - Frameworks that are developed using framework extension files (with the .exf extension) can now be uploaded from the Administration page and the Web Author-based visual editor will compile them on the fly.

Editing Content Fusion Files in Oxygen XML Editor/Author

  • Open Files from a Review Task - It is now very easy to open a file from a Content Fusion task in Oxygen XML Editor/Author. You simply need to copy the file's URL from the browser and paste it in the dialog box that is presented when using the Open URL action from the toolbar or the File menu in Oxygen XML Editor/Author.
  • Edit Context DITA Map for a Review Task - The Content Fusion Task Manager view now has an action (Open context DITA map) in the contextual menu to open the DITA map that is specified as the context map for the task. This makes it easier for technical writers to make changes in the task's files directly from the XML editor or to apply a transformation scenario on the map.


  • AWS and VMware Installation Kits Have Been Deprecated - To make upgrades and security updates easier, the AWS and VMware installation kits have been deprecated and are scheduled for removal. If your are using one of these platforms, you can start a Virtual Machine that runs one of the supported Linux distributions and use the Linux installer.

Component Updates

  • Ubuntu Server (used in VMware, AWS, and Docker images) has been updated to use version 20.04.2.
  • The version of Docker has been updated to 20.10.9 in the AWS and VMware vSphere kits. Docker is no longer distributed with the Linux installer.
  • The version of Docker-compose has been updated to 1.29.2.
  • The embedded license server has been updated to version 24.1.
Oxygen Content Fusion

Oxygen Content Fusion

Colaboración web para flujos de trabajo de revisión de documentación XML.

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