HttpWatch v14.0.7

Agrega grabación de salida de consola para mejorar la depuración del código del lado del cliente.
Junio 21, 2022
Nueva versión


  • Console Output Recording
    • Console output from Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome (version 64 onwards) is now recorded by HttpWatch. This includes logged error, warning and information messages and output from the JavaScript runtime such as syntax errors, exceptions and calls to the console.* API.
    • The console output from a browser can be essential for debugging client-side code in PWAs (Progressive Web Applications) that use large JavaScript libraries or WebAssembly hosted code (e.g. C#, C++ etc).
    • Console recording can be controlled from Tools->Options.
    • A new Console column shows whether console output was recorded for a page or request.
    • Console tabs show the console output associated with a selected page or request.
  • Updated User Interface
    • The HttpWatch UI has been updated with a new flat look icon.
HttpWatch adds console output recording.


Rastreador HTTP en el navegador.

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