FusionCharts Suite XT v3.19

Agrega un nuevo gráfico de barras apiladas de grupo (MSStackedBar2D) y actualiza la compatibilidad con Angular y React.
Agosto 12, 2022
Nueva versión


  • FusionCharts 3.19
    • Added a new Group Stacked Bar chart called the MSStackedBar2D chart which helps users represent data values as a sum of two or more values.
    • Added the ability to show the percentage value with the corresponding legend in Doughnut and Pie charts.
    • Updated Angular integration to support Angular versions 11, 12, and 13.
    • Updated React integration to support React versions 16, 17, and 18.
    • Improved PDF encoding allowing users to save and export PDF files on a local server. Previously, saving a PDF resulted in a corrupted file.
    • The FusionMap feature now shows the Indian region of Ladakh as a separate entity.
    • Added the ability for users to define the legend container's width.
    • Improved the readability of Multiseries charts by preventing plotted value series from overlapping when using the same or similar values.
  • FusionTime 2.7
    • Improved chart visualization by allowing users to use the new paletteColor feature to specify a custom color for an individual series at plot level in a column visualization.
New Group Stacked Bar chart.

FusionCharts Suite XT

Gráficos y medidores JavaScript (HTML5) que funcionan en múltiples dispositivos y plataformas.

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