GrapeCity Documents for Imaging

Agrega compatibilidad con el formato de imagen WebP.
Agosto 18, 2022
Nueva versión


  • Added support for WebP image format.
    • Added new WebP member to the ImageEncoding enum.
    • GcBitmap.Load() method overloads now accept images in WebP format.
    • Added new GcBitmap.SaveAsWebp() method overloads which save the image in WebP format.
    • Image.FromFile(), Image.FromStream() and Image.FromBytes() methods now accept images in WebP format.
  • Added GcImaging.Skia (new package GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Skia) which represents a rendering engine for drawing text and graphics based on SkiaSharp. Includes:
    • GcSkiaBitmap class which represents a SkiaSharp.SKBitmap with an object model similar to GcBitmap.
    • GcSkiaImage class which represents an immutable image based on SkiaSharp.SKImage.
    • GcSkiaGraphics class which implements a drawing surface based on SkiaSharp.SKSurface and SkiaSharp.SKCanvas.
GrapeCity Documents for Imaging

Document Solutions for Imaging

Cree, cargue, modifique y guarde imágenes en aplicaciones .NET.

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