Actualización de GrapeCity Documents .NET Bundle

Documents for Word agrega compatibilidad con efecto de sombra.
Agosto 18, 2022
Nueva versión


GrapeCity Documents for Word

  • Report Templates
    • Added Decimal, DateTime and DateTimeOffset to the primitive types that can be addressed via the 'value' tag.
    • Added DataSourceDictionary.Add(string, object, CultureInfo) method which adds a data source with an associated culture to be used when parsing and formatting data.
    • Improved diagnostics when processing templates that contain errors.
  • Added Shadow effect support (note: shadow effect is not yet supported in export to PDF/images). Includes:
    • BuiltInShadowId enum which defines the types of built-in shadow effects.
    • PresetShadowType enum which defines preset shadow types.
    • ShadowBase class which is the abstract base class that represents a shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
    • PresetShadow class which represents a preset shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
    • InnerShadow class which represents an inner shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
    • OuterShadow class which represents an outer shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
    • TextEffects class which represents a text effects formatting that can be applied to an object.
    • ShapeEffects class which represents a shape effects formatting that can be applied to an object.
    • ShapeEffectsList class which represents a set of three or more shape effects styles for use within a theme.
    • StyleEffects class which represents a reference to a shape effects style in a FormatScheme.Effects list.
    • TextEffects Font.Effects property which gets the text effects formatting properties.
    • ShapeEffects Shape.Effects property which gets the shape effects formatting properties.
    • ShapeEffects GroupShape.Effects property which gets the shape effects formatting properties.
    • ShapeEffects CanvasShape.Effects property which gets the shape effects formatting properties.
    • ShapeEffects Picture.Effects property which gets the shape effects formatting properties.
    • StyleEffects ShapeStyle.Effects property which gets a reference to an effects style in a FormatScheme.Effects list.
    • ShapeEffectsList FormatScheme.Effects property which gets a list of three or more shape effects styles that are used within the theme.

GrapeCity Documents for PDF

  • Added new WidgetAnnotation.RotationAngle property which specifies the angle by which the widget annotation is rotated counterclockwise relative to the page.
  • Replace/delete text: Added the ability to find and replace, or find and delete, text in a PDF. Includes:
    • GcPdfDocument.ReplaceText() method which replaces a specified text on all pages of the current document.
    • Page.ReplaceText() method which replaces a specified text on the current page.
    • ITextMap.ReplaceText() method which replaces a specified text fragment with another text.
    • DeleteTextMode enum which specifies how deleting text affects the surrounding content.
    • GcPdfDocument.DeleteText() method which deletes a specified text from all pages of the current document.
    • Page.DeleteText() method which deletes a specified text from the current page.
    • ITextMap.DeleteText() method which deletes a specified text fragment.
  • Added new GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Security.PasswordMatches enum which defines the flags that describe a PDF's password protection status.
  • Added new StandardSecurityHandler.PasswordMatches property which indicates how the password specified when loading the PDF matches the document's User and Owner passwords.
  • StandardSecurityHandler.HasOwnerPassword and HasUserPassword properties are now marked as obsolete. Use the new property PasswordMatches instead.

GrapeCity Documents for Imaging

  • Added support for WebP image format.
    • Added new WebP member to the ImageEncoding enum.
    • GcBitmap.Load() method overloads now accept images in WebP format.
    • Added new GcBitmap.SaveAsWebp() method overloads which save the image in WebP format.
    • Image.FromFile(), Image.FromStream() and Image.FromBytes() methods now accept images in WebP format.
  • Added GcImaging.Skia (new package GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Skia) which represents a rendering engine for drawing text and graphics based on SkiaSharp. Includes:
    • GcSkiaBitmap class which represents a SkiaSharp.SKBitmap with an object model similar to GcBitmap.
    • GcSkiaImage class which represents an immutable image based on SkiaSharp.SKImage.
    • GcSkiaGraphics class which implements a drawing surface based on SkiaSharp.SKSurface and SkiaSharp.SKCanvas.

GrapeCity Documents for Excel, .NET Edition 5.2.0

  • Added new API to add Microsoft Excel Form Controls.
  • Added support for CASCADESPARKLINE formula.
  • Added the ability to define Paginated Templates in spreadsheets (with GcExcel Templates).
  • Added support for Chart Data Table.
  • Added support for LET function.
  • GetPivotData Formula now supports spilled data.
  • Added the ability to add Calculated Item in Pivot Table.
  • Added the ability to get accurate range boundary.
  • Added the ability to use JSON as DataSource in data binding.
  • Added IsVolatile property support in Custom function.
  • Added debug mode in GcExcel Templates.
  • Improved debugging with additional details in InvalidFormulaException.
  • Added support for adding and rendering SVG images.
Documents for Word

Document Solutions .NET Bundle

Genere, cargue, edite y guarde hojas de cálculo, PDF, imágenes y archivos DOCX en cualquier aplicación .NET, C#, ASP.NET o VB.NET sin dependencias de Microsoft Office o Adobe Acrobat.

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Chatee en vivo ahora mismo con nuestros especialistas en licencias de MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity).