Wisej.NET v3.1

Agrega el nuevo control de editor Typed Text Box.
Septiembre 26, 2022
Nueva versión


  • Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace - Wisej.NET is now available as a VSIX installer through Visual Studio Marketplace or via the Visual Studio Extension Manager. Without using the GAC, the new VSIX installer automatically registers Application Templates and the Wisej.NET designer.
  • Typed Text Box - You can use this new editor control to define the type of 'Value' property to which the text should be parsed, a Microsoft .NET format string (standard or custom) and whether the formatted string should be preserved when editing or removed when entering the editor.
  • Tiny Tools in the Designer - New "Tiny Tool Icons" have been added to the Property Editor in the designer to indicate some of their attributes or reset their value. These new icons may save time for developers by providing information and features that needed several clicks to reach.
    • Reset - Instead of having to right-click and select the Reset option (if enabled), this tiny tool allows developers to reset the value of a modified property with a single click.
    • Data Bound - Indicates that a property is data-bound. This information was only available by opening the data binding dialog.
    • Localizable - Indicates that the property can be localized. Previously, this information was unavailable without inspecting the source code or attempting to localize the value.
    • Responsive - Indicates that the property is a Responsive Property and can hold multiple values associated with client profiles.
  • Horizontal ListBox - Added new ListBox.Orientation property which changes the layout of the items in the ListBox from vertical to horizontal. Everything else remains the same, including horizontal scrolling, keyboard selection, and so on.
  • ObservableCollection Data Binding - Previously, the data binding system in Wisej.NET only supported the 'BindingList' class for advanced data binding. However, MAUI and WPF support the simpler 'ObservableCollection' type for their data binding. Now Wisej.NET seamlessly supports both.
  • Commanding - The 'Commanding' implementation introduced with 3.0 is now fully supported. This means that the data binding mode is now compatible with MAUI's 'Commanding' approach.
  • Dependency Injection - Wisej.NET 3.1 adds full support for services and dependency injection.
  • New Application Templates - You can now use the Visual Studio Extension Manager to install Wisej.NET's new templates and automatically register them within Visual Studio.
  • F1 Integrated Help - When Wisej.NET is installed from the VSIX installer (Visual Studio Market Place or downloaded from the builds page), you can press F1 to get directed to the online documentation.
  • TestProject.io Integration - The Wisej.NET extension helps in several ways like scrolling widgets into view, handling tree views, keystrokes, counting alert or message boxes and more.
  • WebAuthn Extension - The new extension employs the Web Authentication API (known as WebAuthn). The extension enables developers to add external and platform-specific authenticators into Wisej.NET applications.
  • New OpenWindow Callback - (This is a new experimental feature) Can be used for several purposes:
    • Dispose a resource (i.e. delete a file or close a handle) when the user closes the tab or the popup.
    • Simulate detaching a specific window from the browser and allow the web application to work with multiple monitors.
    • The same effect can be achieved using a browser tab that the user can detach and move to a second monitor.
New Typed Text Box.


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