Froala Editor v4.0.15

Mejora el complemento Markdown para contribuir a mitigar ataques XSS.
Octubre 19, 2022
Nueva versión


  • Improved security by introducing new capabilities to the Markdown plugin that help to mitigate XSS attacks, including an escaping mechanism that automatically escapes specific code that could be utilized in an attack.
  • Improved content pasting from different sources:
    • When you paste content, it will now automatically convert the font size unit to the unit set using 'fontSizeUnit'.
    • 'fontSizeUnit' helps control the editor’s font style.
    • Improved pasting complex tables.
  • Improvements for resizing images that have a caption.
Froala Editor

Froala Editor

Editor de texto JavaScript/HTML WYSIWYG basado en web.

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