ActiveState Platform - Noviembre de 2022

Agrega paquetes y lenguajes nuevos, parcheados y versionados, incluidos Python 3.10.7 y Ruby rake-compiler 1.2.0.
Noviembre 7, 2022
Nueva versión


  • The ActiveState Platform is regularly updated with new, patched and versioned packages and languages.
    • Python 3.10.7, 3.9.14, 3.8.14 - Point release that addresses a number of security issues.
    • Python C-libraries - ibxml 2.10.3, libxslt 1.1.37, libexpat 2.4.9, zlib 1.2.13, curl 7.85.0 and sqlite3 3.39.4, which are all key libraries that have been updated to address security issues.
    • Ruby Packages - rake-compiler 1.2.0, parser, ruby_memcheck 1.0.3, which are now available on the ActiveState Platform.
    • Python Packages - grpc 1.49.1, grpcio-tools, flit-core 3.7.1, opencensus packages, which are now available on the ActiveState Platform.
ActiveState Platform

ActiveState Platform

Cree, resuelva y certifique automáticamente idiomas de código abierto.

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