Handsontable V12.3.0

Agrega la capacidad de copiar el contenido de encabezados de columna.
Diciembre 15, 2022
Nueva versión


  • Added the ability to copy the contents of column headers by using 3 new context menu options: 'Copy with headers', 'Copy with group headers', and 'Copy headers only'.
  • Added 4 new API methods for copying column headers programmatically: 'copyCellsOnly()', 'copyWithColumnHeaders()', 'copyWithAllColumnHeaders()', and 'copyColumnHeadersOnly()'.
  • Added translations for the new context menu options in:
    • Arabic.
    • Czech.
    • English.
    • Spanish.
    • Italian.
    • Latvian.
    • Norwegian.
    • Dutch.
    • Polish.
  • Added missing TypeScript definitions of 'CellCoords' and 'CellRange' classes, which are used in the arguments of some APIs.
  • Added missing TypeScript definitions for the following Handsontable hooks: 'beforeColumnFreeze', 'afterColumnFreeze', 'beforeColumnUnfreeze', and 'afterColumnUnfreeze'.
Copy the contents of column headers


Cuadrícula de datos de JavaScript con un aspecto y un funcionamiento semejantes a los de una hoja de cálculo.

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