Blazorise v1.2

Agrega un nuevo proveedor CSS Tailwind y el componente Chart DataLabels.
Febrero 6, 2023
Nueva versión


  • Tailwind CSS Provider - With the new provider, you can easily apply Tailwind styles to your Blazor components and take advantage of all the benefits that Tailwind has to offer.
  • Chart DataLabels - Provides users with the ability to display data values for each data point in a chart. DataLabels can be customized to suit individual needs, with options for font size, color and position.
  • LottieAnimation extension - Allows you to easily incorporate customizable animations into your Blazor applications using the Lottie Javascript library. The library's purpose is to allow applications to directly render animations exported from Adobe After Effects without needing to recreate the animation by hand in the HTML.
  • QRCode Icon - It is now possible to add custom icons within the QRCode.
  • Cropper Component - You can now upload an image and then select part of it, rotate, scale, and crop it. You can also add a preview by adding a CropperViewer whenever on a page, and it will automatically synchronize with the latest selection.
  • Gap Utility - Allows developers to easily manage spacing between elements and to ensure consistency in their layouts.
  • Typography Lead component - This component allows users to easily apply a larger, bolder font style to important text on their web pages, making it stand out and draw the reader's attention. This new component can be used to wrap any text element, and includes customization options for font size, font weight, and text color.
  • AccordionToggle component - Added a new AccordionToggle component that should be used instead of the Button component when building an Accordion.
  • TreeView improvements:
    • The TreeView component now supports a multiple selection mode, which allows users to select multiple nodes at the same time.
    • Several new APIs for the Blazorise TreeView component have also included in this release. These include:
      • GetChildNodesAsync which allows you to retrieve the child nodes of a specific node asynchronously.
      • HasChildNodesAsync which allows you to check if a specific node has child nodes asynchronously.
      • ExpandAll which expands all nodes in the tree.
      • CollapseAll which collapses all nodes in the tree.
    • In addition to these new APIs, a new AutoExpandAll feature has been added. This feature will automatically expand all nodes in the tree on the first load only.
  • Autocomplete improvements:
    • Highlight search - Blazorise Autocomplete now includes a search highlight feature that allows users to easily locate items in the dropdown list.
    • Virtualize mode - The Virtualize feature allows for loading data on demand while scrolling, which greatly improves the performance of the component when working with large datasets.
  • DataGrid:
    • Grouping - The new grouping feature for Blazorise DataGrid allows you to easily group and organize your data by specific columns. This can be useful for analyzing large sets of data and finding patterns or trends.
      • The Groupable and Grouping parameters allow you to specify which columns can be grouped and which should be used for grouping. You can also provide a custom GroupBy function to define how the data should be grouped.
      • The ShowGrouping on DataGrid feature allows you to drag and drop groupable columns onto a designated group area, making it easy to rearrange and experiment with different groupings.
    • New PageSelectorTemplate & PageSizesTemplate - Allows users to customize the look and feel of the page selector and customize the options for the number of items per page.
    • Navigable - The new Navigable feature for Blazorise DataGrid allows you to navigate the grid by using the Arrow Up and Arrow Down Keys on your keyboard.
    • Utilities - Introduced various new APIs for controlling the text alignment, vertical alignment, flex, and gap utilities of DataGrid header, filter, and group cells. This will make it easier to customize the UI of the DataGrid.
Chart DataLabels


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