Blog de GrapeCity - Cree tablas y paneles dinámicos personalizados Angular para sus aplicaciones web

¡Wijmo ahora es compatible con Angular 15!
Febrero 13, 2023
Alerta de noticia

Wijmo is a complete collection of extensible, fast JavaScript UI components written in TypeScript. The framework-agnostic Wijmo components include first-class support for top frameworks including Angular, React, Vue and Web Components. Wijmo has over 100 dynamic JavaScript UI components to help cut your development time in half. Build lightweight, high-performance JavaScript applications using your favorite JavaScript framework.

In this blog post, GrapeCity's Joel Parks shows you how to use CSS to customize Wijmo's Angular pivot table and create custom HTML templates to set the layout of the PivotPanel. This includes:

  • Creating the HTML Template
  • Styling the Pivot Panel Control
  • Angular Pivot Table Custom CSS

Even though it is not required for this functionality, Wijmo now supports Angular 15! Upgrade now for full Angular 15 support.

Read the informative blog to get started creating custom Angular Pivot Tables & Panels for your web applications.

Wijmo now supports Angular 15.


Componentes de interfaz de usuario de JavaScript de alto rendimiento para aplicaciones empresariales.

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