Actualización de JetBrains Academy for Organizations Plugin

Nueva función para creadores de cursos que permite a los alumnos ver el texto completo en la ventana 'Answer Placeholder'.
Febrero 27, 2023
Nueva versión


  • New feature for course creators enables learners to view the full text in the 'Answer Placeholder' window - A vertical scroll bar has been added to the Answer Placeholder window, allowing users to see the full text without limitations. Answer Placeholder is a feature that shows students exactly where to write the code. As a course creator, the updated scroll bar allows you to provide more detailed feedback to learners when creating code exercises.
  • Other notable improvements:
    • The time it takes to check code tasks on Hyperskill has been reduced.
    • The output tab in the Check details tool window has been renamed to Feedback.
    • When unpacking archives with multiple SDK versions, the plugin will now use the same versions as in the creator’s project.
Add Answer Placeholder

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

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