dotUltimate 2023.1

Mejora la compatibilidad con C# y agrega mejoras a las pruebas unitarias y a la experiencia del usuario con la limpieza de código.
Abril 6, 2023
Nueva versión



  • Support for Unity’s DOTS (GameDev) - Following Unity's lead in moving from object-oriented to data-oriented design, Rider has introduced support for Data Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) - a paradigm-shifting, CPU-friendly approach to building games.
  • Reducing the number of lookups in collections (C# support) - Added inspections and corresponding quick-fixes to optimize your work with collections by reducing the number of lookups. For example, Rider will now suggest removing redundant Contains and ContainsKey checks or using TryAdd and TryGetValue methods instead.
  • VCS widget for Perforce (Version Control) - Rider's integration with Perforce has received a major upgrade with the addition of Perforce to the Version Control Systems (VCS) widget. The VCS widget for Perforce provides quick access to essential actions such as Commit, Revert, and Update Project. It also indicates the current workspace and displays the status of your connection.
  • Visualizers for string variables (Debugger) - During a debugging session, you can now see the values visualized for HTML, XML, JSON, JWT, or URL-encoding string variables. Just click on the View link next to a string in the Threads & Variables tab of the Debug tool window. Alternatively, click on the View link that appears when you hover over a variable in the Editor.


  • Improves support for C#, including a set of inspections to optimize and speed up your work with different types of collections, and more adjustable ways to introduce null checks in your code. This build also brings updates for C++20 modules, the first batch of support for C++23 features, as well as macro substitution previews and Call Tracking for C++. Also included are enhancements to the unit testing and code cleanup user experience.

ReSharper C++

  • Brings updates for C++20 modules and also the first batch of support for C++23 features. Working with macros is now easier thanks to macro substitution previews in tooltips and Quick Documentation popups. This version also comes with Call tracking, allowing you to view and navigate through call chains in the hierarchy of incoming calls.


  • Shortcut for Continuous Testing - It is now possible to trigger Continuous Testing directly by applying a shortcut. Previously, you could do this only indirectly by building or saving your project. This feature works in both Microsoft Visual Studio with ReSharper and JetBrains Rider.


  • IL Viewer tool window  - This version of dotPeek contains the following improvements for the IL Viewer tool window:
    • Local variable names will now be used for both low-level and high-level C# code and variable tuple element names for high-level C# code as in the original source.
    • Commented tuple element names will now be rendered from the PDB/decompiler for local variable declarations in intermediate language (IL) code.
    • Synchronization has been improved for field and property initializers, statements inside iterators, async methods, lambdas, local functions, and local functions and nested local function declarations for high-level C#.


  • dotTrace for Apple macOS and Linux (Beta) - The standalone version of dotTrace is now available on Linux and macOS. You can now perform the full profiling workflow on these operating systems, including collecting and analyzing performance snapshots.


Todas las herramientas JetBrains .NET, ReSharper C++ y Rider, juntas en un solo paquete.

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