Aspose.Cells for Python via Java V23.4

Una nueva propiedad permite a los usuarios especificar la codificación de caracteres al calcular fórmulas como CHAR y CODE.
Abril 14, 2023
Nueva versión


  • Adds XlsbSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider property - Allows users to save XLSB files in 'LightCell' mode.
  • Adds Worksheet.CalculateArrayFormula(...) methods - Allows users to calculate one formula as array formula dynamically without setting it to a cell at first.
  • Adds CalculationOptions.CharacterEncoding property - Allows users to specify the encoding used for characters when calculating formulas such as CHAR and CODE.
  • Adds EquationNode class and it's derived classes - Allows users to complete the construction of an equation shape by inserting relevant nodes.
  • Adds FileFormatType.XHtml and FileFormat.OneNote enums - Represents the XHTML and Microsoft OneNote file format type.
  • Adds FontConfigs.IsFontAvailable() method - Returns whether the font is available.
  • Adds LoadOptions.IgnoreUselessShapes property - Indicates whether to ignore useless shapes in XLSX files.
  • Adds PivotArea.OnlyData and OnlyLabel properties - Represents whether only selecting data or label for pivot area.
  • Adds SaveFormat.XHtml enum - Represents saving format.
  • Adds ListObject.PutCellFormula() method - Puts formula to the cells in a table.
  • Adds VbaProject.Encoding property - Gets and sets the encoding of a VBA project in Microsoft Excel files.
  • Adds XmlSaveOptions.SheetNameAsElementName property - Indicates whether saving sheet name as element name when converting Excel to XML data.
  • Adds XmlSaveOptions.DataAsAttribute property - Indicates whether saving data as attribute of node when converting Excel to XML data.
Aspose.Cells for Python via Java

Aspose.Cells for Python via Java

Genere, lea, escriba y manipule hojas de cálculo desde aplicaciones Python.

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