Flyway 9.17.0

Los nuevos informes HTML exponen detalles y estadísticas importantes sobre su canalización de Flyway.
Mayo 2, 2023
Nueva versión


  • Added new Info report - You can now get a report of an 'info' call as a tab in a Flyway HTML report.
  • Improved support for 'WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT' in Oracle SQL*Plus. This now works on its own and no longer needs to be followed by 'FAILURE' or 'SQL.SQLCODE'.
  • Added new migration report.
  • Added new Flyway reports - Single file HTML reports that expose important details and stats about your Flyway pipeline in an easy to read and share format.
  • Undo migrations which have not been applied will no longer cause validation to fail.
  • Added direct support for Alpine Linux.


Automatice las implementaciones de bases de datos entre equipos y tecnologías.

¿Alguna pregunta?

Chatee en vivo ahora mismo con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Redgate Software.