JetBrains Academy for Organizations - versión de mayo de 2023

Añade 9 nuevos proyectos para Python, Kotlin, Java, Flask, Android y Bash.
Mayo 10, 2023
Nueva versión


  • Python
    • Project: My First Project (Beta) - You'll learn some of the basics of Python syntax, including integer arithmetic, variables, and how to take user input.
    • Project: Spell Checker (Beta) - This project is a simple introduction to the world of NLP. You'll learn how to create a simple spell checker using Python, the Levenshtein distance algorithm, n-gram models, and the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library.
    • Topics:
      • Control flow: Introduction to Functional Programming and Recursion in Functional Programming.
      • Python libraries: Introduction to AstroPy.
      • Django topics: Forms and Validation.
    • The projects Maze Runner, Jeopardy! Question Answering Bot, Learning Progress Tracker, HotKitchen, School of Wizards and Magic Wars and Duskers have been released from Beta, with improved features and functionality for learners.
  • Kotlin
    • Project: File Server (Beta) - In this project, you will learn how to create your own file server that can handle multiple client connections. You'll gain experience working with sockets in Kotlin and improve your multithreading and serialization skills.
    • Project: JSON Database (Beta) - In this project, you will create a client-server application in Kotlin that allows clients to store their data on the server in JSON format. You'll learn how to implement parallelization and handle multiple client requests simultaneously, improving the overall performance of your application.
    • Topics:
      • Additional instruments: Sockets, MockK.
      • Concurrency and parallelism: Flows: error handling, dispatching.
      • Object-oriented programming: Class delegation, hashCode and equals, Sealed class and interface.
      • Ktor topics: Koin for Ktor, CORS.
    • The Maze Runner has been released from Beta.
  • Flask
    • Project: Recipe Builder API (Beta) - In this project, you will create a web service with Flask that allows you to store, retrieve, update, and delete recipes. With a pre-uploaded list of recipes to choose from, you'll be able to find your next meal in seconds. Through this project, you'll gain experience with Flask, JSON, and the SQLAlchemy SQL toolkit, making it a great opportunity for beginners to learn about backend development.
    • Project: Above the Rim API (Beta) - Create your own API from scratch and improve it with new functionalities to post basketball game results right after a match is over. By the end of the project, you'll have a fully functional API that can add new teams and game results, making it easier than ever to stay up-to-date with the latest scores.
  • Java
    • Project: Last Pencil (Beta) - In this project, you will create a simple but engaging game where you can decide who wins. You'll practice the basics of Java programming, from creating variables and methods to using loops and conditionals to build a fully functional game.
    • Topics:
      • Additional instruments: Setting up a server with HttpServer and Kryo.
      • Spring Boot: Events and listeners, Intro to H2 database, Spring Security architecture.
  • Android
    • Project: Simple Bank Manager (Beta) - In this project, you will create a simplified version of a banking app using Android Studio and Kotlin. You will gain a better understanding of how to use Kotlin in the development process while building your first banking application.
  • Bash
    • Project: File Janitor (Beta) - Learn how to master the command line and automate your work with Bash scripts. In this project, you'll explore the basics of Bash scripting, including functions, arguments, and conditional statements. You'll also discover useful utilities and learn how to automate tasks with shell scripts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned Linux user, this project will help you sharpen your skills and take advantage of the power of the command line.
  • Frontend
    • Topics:
      • HTML: Buttons.
      • CSS: Grid rows and columns, Grid alignment: part 1, object-fit and object-position.
      • JavaScript: Introduction in websocket, Deep Copying Objects, Map, Shallow Copying Objects.
      • Node.js: ECMAScript modules, Sending requests, Introduction to the HTTP module, Intro to assert module, Intro to path module.
    • The projects Amazing Prices and Dog Glossary are now out of Beta.
  • Data Science
    • Topics:
      • Instruments: Additional feature scaling techniques in sklearn, Feature scaling in sklearn, Polynomial Regression in sklearn.
      • Machine learning: Silhouette coefficient and Feature scaling.
      • NLP: OCR Implementation, Reading text from image, Information Retrieval and Question Answering, SARI, Text clustering, Topic modeling.
  • Fundamentals
    • Topics:
      • Essentials: Understanding JSON Web Tokens.
      • JVM: Serial GC.
      • SQL and Databases: CHECK constraint, CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS, Data models, Array query operations, Importing and exporting data, SQLite dot commands.
      • System administration and DevOps: Customizing the on directive, Braces and parentheses, Introduction to Docker compose.
  • Scala
    • Topic: High-order functions.
  • Mobile
    • Topic: Recomposition.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

Aprenda a programar creando aplicaciones funcionales.

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