NOV Gauge for .NET 2023.1

Añade dos nuevos widgets de medidor: LED Text Display y State Indicator.
Mayo 17, 2023
Nueva versión


  • Added support for Microsoft .NET 7.0 - NOV now fully supports .NET Core 7.0, in addition to the supported builds for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2+, .NET Core 5.0 and .NET Core 6.0.
  • Added two new Gauge widgets: LED Text Display and State Indicator.
  • Added several new examples showing how to modify the gauge axes and indicators and combine different gauge elements.
NOV Gauge for .NET

NOV Gauge for .NET

Amplia compatibildiad con widgets de instrumentación tales como medidores radiales y lineales, mandos, indicadores y pantallas numéricas.

NOV Gauge for .NET también está disponible en:

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