MadCap Central Septiembre 2023

Añade creación mejorada mediante IA con integración de ChatGPT.
Octubre 10, 2023
Nueva versión


  • AI enhanced authoring with ChatGPT integration - It can assist you in generating creative ideas, evaluating subject matter expert input and meticulously reviewing your content. You can enhance, edit, or refine your content by simply clicking a button to incorporate the suggested improvements.
    • Enhance and improve your existing content:
      • You can now rewrite content.
      • You can now enforce style guides.
      • You can now summarize lengthy text.
      • You can now authenticate facts.
    • Ensure consistency of content - By making suggestions based on previously approved content in your repositories, AI Assist helps your authors stay true to your brand's voice, reducing unnecessary editor reviews, and harmonizing your content across the organization.
    • Automatically compare suggestions to existing content - Differences and Quick Insertion combine to offer seamless editing. You can now visualize AI Assist text improvements and instantly insert them into your topics or snippets with a single click.
    • AI Assist and Team permissions - AI Assist is not automatically enabled in MadCap Central, instead, your account administrator controls its activation and can authorize access for select authors or users.
MadCap Central

MadCap Central

Gestión de contenidos basado en la nube.

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