combit Report Server 29

Agrega una opción en memoria para fuentes de datos JSON y XML que permite ordenar, filtrar y agregar datos.
Octubre 20, 2023
Nueva versión


  • Design reports directly in the browser: The Report Server’s new Web Designer is completely browser-based. Your customers do not need to install any software locally on their client anymore. Report design happens platform-independent in the browser.
  • OAuth 2.0 in REST data source: With OAuth 2.0, you easily connect to REST API endpoints that require this authentication for data access.
  • OAuth 2.0 support for email: Optimize the security of your SMTP communication and use SASL XOAUTH2 (OAuth 2.0 for SMTP) for sending scheduled reports.
  • With WebDAV to the cloud: Configure WebDAV as a new action for scheduled reports. This modern standard is offered by many cloud providers, and complements the upload portfolio.
  • In-memory option for JSON and XML data sources: Already available for CSV data sources, JSON and XML have been added. With in-memory mode, the entire data source is memorized so data can be sorted, filtered and aggregated.
New OAuth and In-Memory options added to Report Server.

combit Report Server

Solución de informes de servidor/servidor web basada en navegador.

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