DevExtreme 18.1.5

Released: Aug 1, 2018

Actualizaciones en 18.1.5



Data Grid

  • An additional column is shown in the grid when the first column is fixed in a certain layout.
  • Band columns are misaligned when a detail template is enabled under certain conditions.
  • Duplicated items when using ODataV4 with infinite scrolling mode.
  • Missing horizontal line when the grid is grouped and column fixing is enabled.
  • Multi-Row Headers (Bands) are rendered incorrectly if all child columns in a specific band are hidden.
  • Newly added rows cannot inherit the class type of underlying data items.
  • Other validation rules are ignored in popup edit mode when the "required" rule is specified.
  • The "Cannot read property 'onResize' of null" error is thrown.
  • The "Cannot set property 'X' of [object Object] which has only a getter " error occurs on an attempt to save a value in the nested property.
  • The exported document is broken if there are band columns and columnRenderingMode is set to "virtual".
  • The grid loses focus when pressing Enter after editing a cell in cell edit mode.
  • The master grid scrolls to the top when a master row is expanded.
  • The rows content is not rendered when the state is restored (in the Material theme).
  • The selectedRowsData parameter returns unsaved values after a cell value is changed in Batch Editing mode.
  • The Text Box widget in a row template is not activated on the first click in Edge.
  • The validation rule ignores a custom validation message in the popup edit mode.
  • DataGrid adds an extra summary row when a user clicks the New button.
  • DataGrid crashes after adding a row if dataSource is null or undefined.
  • DataGrid misaligns columns on row inserting when the columnAutoWidth option is enabled.
  • DataGrid renders a duplicate "fixed" column when columnFixing and bands are enabled.
  • DataGrid shows no data if the reset menu item is clicked for the Between operator.
  • DataGrid throws the "Cannot read property 'calculateGroupValue' of undefined" error when a group row is removed from the Group Panel under certain conditions.
  • DataGrid throws the "Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined" error on an attempt to use the Filter Row for an unbound column.
  • DataGrid with the filterSyncEnabled property enabled - It's not possible to clear a filter if a boolean column is filtered with the "false" value.
  • dxDataGrid - Filter builder throws errors when boolean data type columns are used.
  • dxDataGrid - Search text highlight does not work for the column with the specified template.
  • The updateDimensions method does not update the DataGrid content properly after resizing.

Data Visualization

  • Chart - The "Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined" error occurs if getAllSeries is called before series are created.
  • Chart fires point events even if points are hidden.
  • Devextreme chart control and pinch to zoom on Edge and iOS browsers.
  • PieChart - Disabled series get reset when data is refreshed.

DevExtreme Core

  • DataGrid - The "Currency code is required with currency style" error occurs on an attempt to export data if there is a column with the currency format and Intl is used.
  • DataGrid is slow when virtual scrolling is used.
  • dxCommand does not support a constructor with one parameter after upgrade to 17.2.7.
  • ODataStore doesn't use the "tolower" function for filter queries.

DevExtreme Demos

  • DateBox - Overview demo for Angular is not working.
  • Documentation - The Copy Code button no longer works in the interactive configuration.
  • Lookup is rendered incorrectly when fullScreen and showCancelButton are true in the Material theme.
  • Responsive Box demo in IE11 - Item height is incorrect in the vertical layout.

Pivot Grid

  • Export to Excel fails for a large number of rows.
  • Field Chooser - The searchTimeout option has no effect.
  • Grand Totals are calculated incorrectly when expanding a column that has no children.
  • PivotGrid sends the second request to the server when the response to the first request contains an error.
  • PivotGrid sorts by an incorrect field if the caption is the same.


  • Drag and drop does not work in IE11 with jQuery 3.3.1.
  • The startDayHour / endDayHour option is not updated if the showAllDayPanel option is false.
  • Unable to drag certain appointments to the second resource item after upgrading to v.18.1.
  • Scheduler adds an incorrect offset to dates for new appointments if timeZone is "Etc/UTC".
  • Scheduler changes the endDate and startDate fields each time the onAppointmentAdding/onAppointmentUpdating handler is cancelled.
  • Scheduler does not order appointments by dates when the Month view is selected.

Tree List

  • TreeList does not restore its scroll position after expanding child nodes.
  • TreeList loses its tree hierarchy after search.

UI Widgets

  • DateBox with the "list" pickerType is incorrectly positioned on mobile devices.
  • Documentation - The SelectBox > Enable Paging topic is incomplete.
  • dxScrollView - Scrolling doesn't work correctly if dxScrollView is placed inside a scaled element and useNative is false.
  • dxSelectBox does not revert its text after an outside click if a custom value is accepted.
  • dxTreeView doesn't expand items after all items were collapsed.
  • FilterBuilder - Value is not saved if focus is lost in Edge.
  • It's possible to scroll the page on a mobile device using the touch slide even if dxPopup is shown.
  • NumberBox resets its value when focus is lost if the format option is specified.
  • ProgressBar throws the "this._completeAction is not a function" error when the value option equals the max option.
  • SelectBox - The e.event option returns undefined in the onValueChanged event handler if the Clear button is clicked.
  • TagBox - Selected items do not follow the selection order.
  • TagBox does not use the displayExpr callback to display text in tags.
  • It is impossible to specify an attribute for the toolbar item.
  • jQuery handlers are not removed from memory if the destroy method is called.
  • TreeView - A node is not collapsed after the expandItem method call.
  • TreeView - e.node is null in the onItemRendered event handler in v18.1.4.
  • TreeView - The onItemSelectionChanged handler is not executed when the 'selectAll' checkbox is checked.


Data Grid

  • The null cells are highlighted when the сustomizeText method is used.

IDE Integration

  • ASP.NET Core Project Templates don't install Bower packages.

UI Widgets

  • DevExtreme ASP.NET MVC controls render templates incorrectly when items are added outside of initial factory.
  • NumberBox resets its value when a format is used under certain conditions in v17.2.8 in IE.
  • RadioGroup - Disabled RadioButton is not shown as disable.