dotConnect for MySQL V8.19.1985

Released: Sep 28, 2021

Actualizaciones en V8.19.1985


Entity Developer

  • Added new Validation Framework property to the Data Transfer Object template for generating DataAnnotation attributes.
  • Added new "Save connection to" option to Microsoft Entity Framework Core Model Settings which adds the ability to store the connection string in "Model file", "Entity Developer storage" and "Environment variable".
  • Added new "Enum Output" option to the Entity Framework Core template to specify the output for generated enums.
  • Added new property "Generate UnitOfWork Repository Properties" to the Entity Framework Core Model Repository and Unit Of Work template for accessing entity collections.
  • Changed the representation of one-to-one association with non-nullable properties on both ends from 1 -> 1 to 0..1 -> 1 on diagrams in the Entity Framework Core Model.

Entity Framework support

  • Added support for Entity Framework Core 5.0.10.
  • Added support for Entity Framework Core 3.1.19.
  • Added support for mapping System.Decimal to MySQL DECIMAL with specified precision and scale in Entity Framework Core 5.
  • Removed the definition of System.ICloneable from Microsoft .NET Framework assembly \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.SQLite.Entity.EFCore.dll.


Entity Developer

  • Fixed the bug throwing "Unknown property 'DoNotSerialize'.", when complex types and VB.NET template are used in Entity Framework Core Model.
  • Fixed the bug with code generation for the Constrained option of Association Editor in the case of 0..1 -> 1 association in Entity Framework Core Model.