dotUltimate 2023.3

Released: Dec 6, 2023

Actualizaciones en 2023.3



  • ReSharper 2023.3 offers support for the latest features from C# 12. Also included are brand new Entity Relationship Diagrams and inspections for Entity-Related issues. This update brings several major improvements to performance, including optimized background code analysis and the ability to control the amount of resources allocated to code analysis. The release of ReSharper 2023.3 is also enhanced by a major update to AI Assistant.

ReSharper C++

  • ReSharper C++ 2023.3 brings a new built-in grammar and spelling checker, code completion and Find Usages for inactive code, updates for C, C++, HLSL support, and more. The release of ReSharper 2023.3 C++ is also enhanced by a major update to JetBrains AI Assistant.


  • Rider 2023.3 offers support for the Microsoft .NET 8 SDK, including the latest features from C# 12. This update also brings an improved experience for running multiple projects, a predictive debugging mode, and the ability to easily create and navigate through unit tests. The release of Rider 2023.3 is also enhanced by a major update to AI Assistant.


  • Improved command-line tools - dotCover command-line tools are now provided as a cross-platform framework-dependent Microsoft .NET tool. This tool acts as a default solution for CI/CD scenarios and replaces the previous one.


  • dotMemory Standalone on Linux and Apple macOS [Beta] - You can now run the standalone version of dotMemory on Linux and Apple macOS operating systems.
  • Analyze process dumps on Linux - dotMemory now allows you to import and analyze process dumps as regular snapshots on Linux. Please note that the Linux version of dotMemory can only import dumps collected from processes running on the Linux OS.


  • Assembly diff improvements - dotPeek is now able to compare NuGet packages, folders, and .zip files. The ability to compare assemblies now has more comparison options. You can choose between several diff modes (Show all, Show only differences, Show only signature differences, Show only public API differences). Additionally, you can specify if you'd like the diff to ignore member/attribute order differences, as well as differences in nullable reference types' annotations.
  • More C# languages features
    • Assembly Explorer updates - When exploring NuGet packages in the Assembly Explorer, you'll now be able to see all files and folders contained inside those NuGet packages. Win32 resource nodes, including their size and type (if these can be determined), can now be viewed in the node presentation tree and the Properties pane.
    • Other updates
      • Introduced the ability to decode Win32 string-table resources.
      • dotPeek now displays the sizes of open files inside the Properties pane for an assembly/non-assembly, files inside bundles, archives, NuGet packages, compared assemblies, and Win32 resources.
      • Assembly authenticode signature validation is now available.
      • Explicit #nullable disable directives are now shown in decompiled sources.


  • Improved configuration of the Timeline profiling mode - When configuring a Timeline profiling session, you can now specify the following advanced options:
    • Sampling rate - Lets you find the optimal balance between the performance of the profiled application and data accuracy.
    • Sample allocations every … KB for native allocations - Lets you improve the performance of snapshot analysis by reducing the amount of collected data, i.e. snapshot size.
    • Download in background option for native symbol files - Downloads symbol files during the profiling session.
  • Profiling data in the Source view - Instead of analyzing the Call Tree, you can now view performance profiling data right in the source code. The Source view displays time distribution information for specific lines of code. As of now, this feature is only available for timeline snapshots taken on Microsoft Windows.
  • Improved native code analysis - Source code for native methods can now be viewed for timeline snapshots taken on Windows. Native threads are now displayed by default if there are no managed threads.
  • Other improvements
    • The timeline profiling mode now supports the System.Data.SqlClient data provider for the .NET and .NET Core frameworks. You can view the corresponding events in the SQL Queries filter.
    • You can now view performance metrics inside the search window in the dotTrace viewer.
    • Support for integration with third-party tools is now available on Linux and macOS.