FusionCharts XT v3.12.1

Released: Jul 3, 2017

Actualizaciones en V3.12.1


  • FusionCharts export servers have been reconfigured to introduce the following features:
    • Export charts in auto-export mode - lets users make optimum use of the server-side and client-side export capabilities.
    • Export statistics can now be logged to obtain details like the type of the exported chart, the format in which the chart was exported, and IP address of the user exporting the chart.
    • The 'exportAction' attribute can now send the exported file as a download to the client as well as save a copy on the server.
  • Touch devices now support the swipe gesture for scrolling through the chart area.
  • Improved memory consumption for charts that are continuously rendered and disposed.
  • Extra white space rendered in a chart has now been controlled. The extra space was rendered in the event of the following changes in the chart's configuration:
  • In scroll-combination charts, the extra space was added around the first and last data points when a large number of data points were plotted on the chart.
  • Extra space was rendered around the first and last data labels in XY charts, when the 'xAxisMinValue' and 'xAxisMaxValue' attributes were defined, also causing data plot values to flow out of the canvas.
  • The 'drawCrossLineOnTop' attribute has been introduced to draw the cross line on top of the data plots.
  • The 'minLabelWidthPercent' attribute has been introduced for improved control over label management.
  • Tooltips can now be viewed in the full screen mode.
  • The time taken to render multiple charts, especially those plotting a large amount of data, in the IE and Firefox browsers has been improved significantly.
  • v3.12.1 comes with improved readability and better management of label overlapping, in case of rotated data labels. Labels are now wrapped into multiple lines when rotated, with gaps between consecutive labels.
  • The 'onScroll' event and the 'scrollTo()' method have been introduced to enable better control over the scrolling activity and to facilitate customization.
  • The default width and height of toolbar buttons for touch devices has been set to 20 px. to enable ease of use.
  • The 'reverseToolbarIcons' attribute has been introduced to reverse the order in which the toolbar icons are rendered.
  • In pie charts, when 'manageLabelOverflow=1', the legend no longer overlaps the pie chart data labels.
  • Significant improvement in scroll chart performance in terms of initial rendering and scrolling through a chart with large number of data plots.
  • Previously, all the data plots were drawn for scroll charts. Now, only the data points in the visible viewport (canvas) are drawn. Therefore, no matter how large the data is, the time taken to render the data plots increases nominally.
  • In the angular gauge, the empty space that is rendered when the margins are set to 0 has been reduced.
  • In the angular gauge, alignment issues with the trend line's display value have been fixed.
  • Previously, the trend line's display value was misaligned if the lower limit value was less than 0.
  • Slider issues in the heat map chart have been fixed and the slider is now working as expected.
  • Previously, in a fast-paced interaction, the slider did not scroll to the extreme end of the gradient legend scale when the mouse pointer moved out of the scale while still dragging the slider.


  • The 'labelLink' attribute is now working as expected.
  • Previously, the 'labelLink' attribute did not work properly when it was defined using an external link.
  • The 'chartClick' event is now triggered after the element-specific click events are triggered.
  • Previously, the event was triggered before the following click events:
    • dataLabelClick (in 3D charts, error charts & boxandwhisker2d)
    • connectorClick (in the Gantt chart)
    • processClick (in the Gantt chart)
    • categoryClick (in the Gantt chart)
    • milestoneClick (in the Gantt chart)
    • labelClick (in the drag node chart)
    • linkClicked
  • The Export as XLS feature is now working as expected even when the chart has datasets with blank or null values.
  • Overwriting of the values of the 'dataIndex' property of the x-axis labels, on scrolling, has been fixed.
  • Previously, the data index values were overwritten every time the 'dataLabelRollOver' event was triggered.
  • Page scrolling issues in touch devices using the IE11 browser, when the chart is swiped or scrolled, have been fixed.
  • The client-side batch export feature is now working as expected.
  • Previously, attempts to batch export on the client-side threw a JS error.
  • Duplication of menu items in the export menu, when multiple charts are rendered on the same page, has been fixed.
  • The export callback function is now working as expected.
  • JS error thrown by a chart when a hidden container that holds a FusionCharts instance is deleted has been fixed.
  • The 'toolbarButtonScale' attribute is now working as expected.
  • Previously, the size of the toolbar button decreased even when the attribute was assigned a higher value.
  • Issues with rendering charts within tooltips have been fixed.
  • Issues with finding the container DOM element, if a chart is rendered in a container without an ID, have been fixed.
  • In the select scatter chart, data points of a hidden data set are no longer selected.
  • Multi-series charts no longer throw a JS error when updated without any data in the dataset.
  • Pie and doughnut charts no longer throw a JS error when drilled-down.
  • In pie and doughnut charts, multiple invocation of the 'dataPlotClick' event, when a pie slice was sliced and when 'enableMultiSlicing=0', has been fixed.
  • When multi-slicing is disabled, when one slice is sliced out, the previously sliced out slice is sliced in. Previously, the 'dataPlotClick' event was triggered for both these slices, instead of for just the one being sliced out.
  • The pie and doughnut charts no longer throw a JS error when updated with all data values set to 0.
  • In non-XY charts, category labels are now rendered even when the attribute 'x' is defined from the 'category' object.
  • Additional white space rendered in XY charts, when the x-axis is reversed, has been removed.
  • Previously, under this instance, the category labels were not shown.
  • Data plot label cropping in the Bubble chart has been fixed.
  • In the zoom line chart, rendering issues encountered when 'allowPinMode=0' have been fixed.
  • Previously, when 'allowPinMode=0' the zoom line chart threw a JS error and the scroll bar wasn't drawn.
  • In the zoom-line chart, behavioral issues encountered when the pinned area is dragged multiple times have been fixed.
  • Previously, after being dragged twice, the tracker rectangle was seen to be automatically moving around on the chart.
  • In the zoom-line chart, issues related to the zoom out feature, when the 'displayStartIndex' and 'displayEndIndex' attributes are set using the 'setChartAttributes()' method, have been fixed.
  • Duplication of the tracker rectangle, when the zoomline chart is resized, has been fixed.
  • When the zoomline chart is viewed in the pinned mode, the tracker rectangle pins the selected data points. The tracker rectangle can then be dragged along the chart to compare the pinned data points with the rest of the data points.
  • Previously, when the zoomline chart (in the pinned mode) was resized, a duplicate instance of this tracker rectangle was created, which has now been fixed.
  • Discrepancies in the assignment of a specific color to a specific state of the pin mode button have been fixed.
  • In zoom-line charts with a large amount of data, label overlapping seen upon zooming the chart has been fixed.
  • Previously, for a large amount of data, while the initial visualization was rendering okay but labels overlapped upon zooming.
  • JS error encountered on data plot hover, when the zoom-scatter chart is rendered in IE9 and above browsers, has been fixed.
  • In the zoom-scatter chart, tooltips are now rendered for the trend lines and vertical trend lines, as expected.
  • Tooltip positioning issues, when the zoom scatter chart is rendered in IE 9+, have been fixed.
  • Previously, when the zoom scatter chart was rendered in IE 9+, the tooltip was not rendered alongside the data plot upon which the mouse pointer was hovered. Instead, it was rendered in the top-left corner of the chart.
  • Category label displacement in the Marimekko chart has been fixed.
  • In the scroll combination 2D dual y-axis chart, the zero plane is now rendered as expected.
  • Previously, when 'parentYAxis=P', the zero plane overlapped the data plots.