QueryStorm 2.6.x

Released: Feb 11, 2022

Actualizaciones en 2.6.x


Updated Feb 26, 2022


  • Added the ability to recreate output tables when running SQL scripts.


  • Fixed bugs (IDE):
    • Double-clicking an error in a file which was not previously opened would only open the file, not go to the offending line.
    • C# indentation strategy was not working well with lambdas so reverted to a simpler indentation strategy.
    • IDataContext could not be resolved from C# scripts.
    • Importing a workbook project into the workbook was failing to update files properly.
    • Creating a new project after deleting the project with the same name was throwing an exception.
    • If the default SQLite connection string was deleted in project.config, trying to create a new SQLite script would fail (it now recreates the default connection string).
    • The (docked) debugger was running into many issues when debugging code that interacts with the Excel API (was caused by an error in the mechanism that allows the debugger to stay interactive while debugging Excel).
  • Fixed bugs (runtime):
    • Installer version number was wrong (1.0 instead of 2.6), which was causing issues with upgrading.
    • Better error logging when data context schema does not match values in a table (e.g. null value found in a non-nullable table column).
    • Vontext menu category was visible even if no items inside it were.
    • IDialogService.ShowWindow() and ShowWindowDialog() methods were not working.


Updated Feb 11, 2022


  • Debugger -The focus of this version is the introduction of the C# and VB.NET debugger. Previously, QueryStorm apps could only be debugged by attaching Microsoft Visual Studio to the Microsoft Excel process. Now they now be debugged right inside QueryStorm.
  • Package manager improvements - The package manager now has the ability to update packages. Previously, this functionality was in the user interface but was not implemented.

API Changes

  • [Breaking] Ribbons should derive from RibbonBase, they should remove their PropertyChanged and OnPropertyChanged() members (since these are now inherited), and should remove the IsVisible property from the xml (<Tab IsVisible=.../>) since the visibility of ribbons in workbook apps is now controlled implicitly (visible only when owning workbook is active).
  • Ribbon tabs can now request to be brought into view using their ActivateTab() method
  • [Breaking] Settings objects now have an additional member OnUpdated() that gets fired when the user clicks "Ok" after editing app settings via the QueryStorm runtime "Configure" ribbon.
  • ValueStreamBase class updated to allow cancellation via token
  • [Breaking] ApplicationModule renamed to AppBase
  • Installer cleanup + fix for all-users install.